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Posts posted by geoff

  1. Really though, no one knows what happened?


    Probably 25 cars at Ozone on my way to Beacon, the most I've ever seen. On the way home it was just police, SARs, fire, ambos. I guess they booted everyone because they needed parking. They were arriving over the course of an hour or so. Emergency folks were passing us all the way to Vancouver. No practice, unless they practice with their sirens on.



  2. Trip: Washington Pass - The Rib SEWS


    Date: 8/6/2010


    Trip Report:

    LJ sporting REI's finest bug net.




    Kyle surmounting some pitch.




    LJ wrestles a tree.




    A happy time.




    Bovine what?




    Kyle modeling the next pitch to his right.




    On top.




    The way down.




    A man and his moutain.




    Bear Hug pitch




    Here are some folks on NEWS. I have a few more if you want them.




    Gear Notes:

    Number 5 used on Bear Hug.


    Approach Notes:

    Not too bad.

  3. Didn't notice any blackberry bush yesterday but YW was certainly a bit more on P1 and 3 with all the gravel and dirt.


    Did hear I missed a damn good dance party though. Video to be released soon

  4. Kevin's wife Maggie is clearly a pro-boner attorney and tough enough to take on any bureaucracy.


    I haven't met Kevin's wife Maggie, but I bet she's doesn't like being referred to as pro-boner. Urban Dictionary describes this as


    "It's like Pro-Bono which means being, involving, or doing professional and especially legal work donated especially for the public good EXCEPT... Your donating your boner for the public good... cause.. there is no use hiding it That would just be a waste."

  5. Bolts are bad but this sort of thing is ok?


    No Geoff: bolts can be fine, smoking out of a rock pipe is fine, running around naked is fine, enjoying your life and drinking in moderation is fine too. Beer is fine, wine is fine. It's all good. Swimming naked is fine too. Ever try it? Get naked and swim over to that island after climbing at Beacon in the summer? I used to do it a lot. You can almost wade over there in August when the river drops, and its a short refreshing swim. Crap, when I was young I lived with @ 10 folks once, and we all hung out at the nude beach a lot (Sauvies). One of them was a 62 year old heavy woman. Anyone who is all uptight probably should head over there, strip it off and get over themselves. Crap, you head over to Copenhagen or and when the first suns of spring are out there's naked and half naked folks sunning all over the city in the parks. Some smokin hot women too. You dudes just need to relax a tad and lighten up on all these judgmental things you have running all inside yer minds. .


    Thanks Bill. Different strokes, I get it.


    I'm done with leaving the country though, well, maybe Canada, and naked beaches are pretty much off my list of shit to ever see again, if possible. I am glad you and Jim kept your shit on.


    And, I'll say it right now, Ivan, I aint trying to see you naked in a river, or otherwise, or taking a crap. I'm sure in Denmark they flick po on each other and it's just great, but I have to draw the line.

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