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Everything posted by octavius

  1. I'm getting back in the gym after 2 years away from climbing and am looking for a regular partner that also has access to the UW/IMA indoor wall (could also do some outdoor wall stuff there from time to time). I used to use VW, but since I'm on staff at the UW, and am next to campus 5 days a week, VW makes less sense for me, so looking for somebody else in a similar situation. I'm looking for a pretty serious workout... I have a few extra pounds to burn off after doing nothing but playing ultimate frisbee for the last 2 years. My ideal is 2 or 3 visits a week, with 1.5 hour sessions so that we each get a good number of routes. I'm not a hotshot. I'll probably be doing stuff in the 5.8-5.10c range, but I can belay at all ranges ;-) and I'm a very safe belayer. I don't really care what range you climb as long as you are motivated and are safe on belay. Not really interested in outdoor climbing at the moment, mainly just looking for a good workout and doing a lot of reps on the wall. Hit me up if you are interested : glenn dot pittenger at gmail dot com
  2. Because I haven't done any ice climbing in over two years and so they are just collecting dust in my gear closet. =============================================== ====== UPDATE ====== THESE HAVE SOLD ====== =============================================== Thanks everybody
  3. These are still for sale
  4. Looking to start selling some of my climbing gear. The first offering is my ice tools: Used a total of 4 times. They were around 430 new for the set. I'm hoping to fetch 300. Hit me up at glenn dot pittenger at gmail Use google and these key words "petzl charlet aztar ice tools" to scour the interweb for product information:
  5. Nice vid and editing. I actually liked the iginition sequence in that it was a funny lead into the bike scene. What dig still camera did you use? The vid optics were good for a youtube video.
  6. Looking for a good residential plumber in the N.Seattle area to do some work in the kitchen. I'd try doing it myself, but much of the stuff is tucked way back into these narrow areas that require special plumbers wrenches... Anyway, seems lots of my friends know good electricians, nobody seems to know a good plumber. Anybody?
  7. I think that is legal, at least I'd be willing to find out. Had my car broken into on the Mountain Loop Highway a few years ago. They only got some CDs, I think the car alarm scared them away before they could get more. This crap pisses me off. Somebody should start a trail head taxi service.
  8. I hope he posts a video of his trip on youtube. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003781771_weblawnchair09.html
  9. Fucking awesome. BTW - Octavius, you need to get a job. You clearly have too much time on your hands. A job? Hell no, I'm experiencing what it is like to be a member of the leisure class... I recommend it to everybody. Besides, it only took a couple of minutes. I'm certain somebody spent much more time on this... S5XNS2VmI7A
  10. Maybe if you dress him up in outdoorsey clothes and teach him how to aid climb...
  11. Tim Roth as Archibald Cunningham in Rob Roy. Classic lines such as: I will tell you something, to take with you. Your wife was far sweeter forced than many are willing. And truth put to it, I think not all of her objected... Or It is years, Your Grace, since I buggered a boy... And in my own defense, I must add, I thought him a girl at the moment of entry.
  12. Speaking of Iommi and Sabath, you guys heard the new Cake cover of War Pigs? xyJMufGx7fo
  13. Word. Cool enough for these homies, cool enough for Fairweather. I'm sure plenty of dorky photos of wedgies can be found too. I used to ride the Burke between my place and work in Redmond (regular bike), and I saw some guys on low profile trikes going hella fast... faster than any wedgie was capable of moving. These guys were not couch potatos. Check out the Windcheetah. I was considering getting one, but decided that 4K could be better used elsewhere. I agree, get more people on bikes, of any kind.
  14. Just remember your safe word, and everything will be ok.
  15. I'm not a huge fan of Bellevue either, too many Dead heads spawned from there. They do have Marmot though, which is about my favorite gear store. Nothing is perfect.
  16. Relaxing at Leavenworth both days, Bebop Rock Sat and Bathtub Dome Sun. No early starts, no long days. Just getting in another handful of trad leads. Led both pitches of New Fixtures, partner did same. Drank beer by the river. Hit Gustavs. Camped. Note to self, need to find a new place in town for dinner, Gustavs is getting old.
  17. I don't think you should cut that tree. It looks like something that somebody might want to rappel off of... Just say'in.
  18. That completely triggered the memory of a school camp/outing that I had not thought about in a while. In the 6th grade (Seattle Public Schools) you go off to camp for a few days. I forget the name of the camp, we stayed in these a-frame cabins down around Rainier, near a small lake... I guess it must have made a big impresssion. I think we rowed in some boats and saw a beaver damn, or maybe we just saw a muskrat. Anyway, there are something like 6 cabins, 3 for boys and 3 for girls, with each cabin having a teacher as resident chaperon. One night after dinner, we are all in our cabins doing whatever, I think learning some dice game called roses and stones... when in comes our teacher and he tells us "Everybody get over here, there is an emergency. Ms Jones just got back to her cabin and found the front door busted off its hinges, and all of the girls are missing." I think they must have been telling us about bigfoot earlier that day, because that is immediately what we all think has happened to the cabin. He then tells us all to get our flashlights and gather in the living room, and he turns out the lights. He leaves, saying he will return shortly, but he has to go help try to find the girls. He says under no circumstances whatsoever, are we to go outside until he comes back. He leaves and we are start debating about what it could have been. Some of us think bigfoot, others think it was a gang of Hells Angels. He is gone for a while, and we hear a bunch of adult voices outside yelling and making a big commotion for the next half hour or so. Well, I guess it must of gotten out of hand, because he returns and takes us all to the dinning hall, where we see all of the other kids, and a bunch of them are crying. One of the teachers gets up and tells us all it was just a prank, and everybody is fine. It was a bit of a letdown, I think I was kinda hoping bigfoot was real.
  19. My sunday school class went to a local retirement home run by the Lutheran Church when I was about 11. We called them old folks homes back then. We spent a while there, visiting the old farts, learning about the importance of respecting our elders. I ended up in a game of checkers with a resident, and I won. I was excited, but I don't think I was gloating or anything. He reaches over and slaps me in the face. I don't think he liked it there. I didn't either.
  20. Did somebody have an image of a book cover they mocked up with the title Sportaneering, Freedom of the Bolts? I seem to remember it from last year and was looking for it, it was pretty funny.
  21. Looking for a couple of more partners that are able to get outside on short notice on weekdays. My schedule is very flex, if the forecast/weather is good on a given weekday, I'd be up for hitting the local spots (exits, index) for a few hours or most of the day. Pretty new still; I've led a handful of 5.7 trad and 5.8/5.9 sport. Looking to get in a lot of pitches to improve. Safe on belay.
  22. If the weather is good, I hope to be on the summit of Hood next Thursday. Friends and I stood on the summit of Baker for last year's solstice. It is nice when the solstice is midweek, we were the only people up there.
  23. I've told this story to friends, but decided readers here might enjoy it. It is one of those stories where you are left thinking... 'what are the odds'? I'd like to see stories like this that others might have, about lost gear and coincidences. Last year, on July 1st, I climbed Ingalls East Ridge. On the hike out, I was wearing my favorite sunglasses, Smith T-Nines. I loved these sunglasses. They were prefect, good fit, and had enough wrap around and coverage that they even worked on glaciers (I had worn them up the Emmons the previous year). Their only flaw was a scratch in the center of one lens... I had been meaning to get that lens replaced or the scratch fixed. As we get closer to the trail head, I remove the sunglasses and hang them from the chest strap of my pack. Somewhere in the last couple of miles of the trail, the sunglasses fell off the chest strap, but I didn't notice. When we got back to our cars, I realized they were gone, but I was so beat I wasn't going back to find them. Later that week I go back to the store where I had purchased them. They no longer stocked T-Nines. I look through all of the other models, and pick out another set. They aren't as good, but they will have to do. Over the next months, while using the new set, I lament the loss of my old pair. That December, I decide to head down to Joshua Tree for the holiday season. I couldn't convince any of my regular climbing partners to go as they were all taking a water ice course (I didn't have the water ice bug). I saw from this board that Catbirdseat was planning a trip, so I planned to meet him there, and a few people I met on RC.com. When I arrive in JT, I find CBS and setup camp next store. He is camping with Fenderfour and another guy that I recognize from VW in Seattle (Oscar). Over the next week I climb with these guys, shoot some video for climbing videos, and just have a good time with a pretty regular schedule that consisted of: hit crossroads in the morning, climb during the day, and drink at night. Turns out Fenderfour lives about six blocks from me in North Seattle. I start hitting some local crags with FF that spring, including a trip to Frenchman Coulee. As we pull up one day, and he parks his car, he reaches over to retrieve something from his glovebox. I notice he has a few pair of sunglasses and I ask if I might borrow one - I had forgotten mine that morning. "Help yourself" he answers in his normal generous style. I pull out the sunglasses and find a pair of T-Nines. "Wow" I say "where did you buy these? I lost my pair last year and haven't found a good replacement". He pauses, then responds "You lost those? I found those last year. Where did you lose yours?". I have to think for a minute "I lost them coming out from Ingalls, in late June I think". "I found those, coming out from Stewart in mid July, just laying next to the trail" he responds. "Their only problem is that one lens is scratched in the center". I try them on, same perfect fit, same scratch on the lens. Fenderfour offers them back to me, same generous style. When I get home I double check my climbing log, I had done Ingalls on July 1st. - octavius
  24. They used to ask Al Gore directly, he got tired of this, so he created the internet.
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