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Posts posted by Bigtree

  1. Some friends and I are heading down to Rainier June 12th for what seems to be turning in an annual event for us. We're driving down from Vancouver and usually camp at Cougar Rock for our first night before getting our permits the next day at Paradise and heading up. This year we would like to try something a bit different and tent near Paradise to help with aclimatization; however, we don't want to run afoul park rules. So, I would appreciate if anyone can advise if its cool to hike a couple of hundred metres up the trail beyond the parking lot and tent for the night. We would plod back down to the visitors centre and grab our permits first thing the next morning and go.



  2. That's the mountain last June:




    That's the the dog route up from the parking lot:




    That's a picture of the fun part from the Hogsback up:




    That's a picture of one of my mates on the infamous 50' knife edge ridge:




    That's the summit:




    You can form your own opinion on how 10,000 people a year and probably a number of canines make it to the summit each year.


  3. Why would it feel like its cheating? You're going to drive up to the parking lot I bet, so what's the difference of another 3,000' of diesel powered assistance?


    I found my Hood climb last June to be rather circus-like in general (and I didn't use the cat by the way). Hordes of climbers and skiers much of the way. Felt like a bus stop at rush hour waiting at the Hogsback for a bit of a clear spell and constant fear of getting taken out like a bowling pin by someone taking a tumble at atop the Pearly gates all added to the thrill and unique ambiance.


    Not that Baker can't be busy and goofy on a long weekend, but I would pick it hands-down over Hood. Easton via Railroad grade route is rarely busy and very straight-forward. I think Coleman-Demming route is way better as a day climb though.

  4. Actually Lionel Terray died on the approach to a climb in the alps; he was crossing a patch of slick wet rock and gently sloping grass on an exposed trail, slipped and took a bad bounce off the pack he was carrying, and rolled about 6 feet before going over the edge of a 900 foot drop. The weather at the time was perfect,and everyone was in high spirits. Merely a momentary lapse of caution.


    Another famous hardman, Hermann Buhl, died skiing into a crevasse on, I believe, the Midi Plan glacier on Mt. Blanc.


    Buhl died on Chogolisa after a cornice he was on collapsed.


    Lionel Terray died roped together with Marc Martinetti at the base of a rock climb in the Vercors.


    Perhaps you were thinking about Louis Lachenal, Terray's long-time partner, who died after skiing into a crevasse in Chamonix?

  5. I'm just having some fun with you guys re: sissy/toque comment. 'bout the only thing I do wear one for though is for climbing rock or other steeps. Its a personal decision and I relish the freedom of making it myself.

  6. Bummer. I guess I'm going to be screwed out of the balance of my 2-year subscription (about 1 year left as I recall).





    Despite my pecuniary focus/loss, I too am saddened the climbing community will be losing such a fine rag. Been subscribing since ed. 12.

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