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Posts posted by jordansahls

  1. Just another thought, but Snohomish is a good option IMHO. Yes you have to drive, but the location allows for the most even amount of driving to climbs in any direction. I grew up in Snoho and I have since lived in Bellingham, and now Seattle. As far as climbing is considered, Snoho seems to be fairly central with regards to the east side, washington pass, cascade pass, Rainier, and Baker areas. Also, the commute to Seattle is around 30-40 minutes in good traffic. Bad traffic can make the drive a nightmare. So if you're working oddball hours (either really early or really late) you should be good.


    Also, there is a park called Lord Hill Park that has great trail running. The cycling is amazing, and you have access to the Centennial trail, which is a nice paved trail that goes from snoho to arlington.


    Oh, and Snohomish is a small-ish farming community. There has been a bit of development in the last ten years or so but you can easily find your solitude.

  2. It's interesting that the only reason the officers were caught was because the injured person hired an attorney to investigate who was at fault for the accident. Also they say in the article that "The footage is approximately 15 minutes in length, but the exchange between the two officers lasts less than a minute. It is unclear whether this is the case because their microphones were turned off the rest of the time, or if the audio only recorded when the officers were inside their car".


    It makes me wonder about the frequency of such incidences. How much more footage of this type of behaviour remains undiscovered simply because no one has thought to search it?



  3. I can understand the gallows humor, however don't you usually wait until the person is dead to make inappropriate jokes? Also, you would think with the federal investigation and other, recent problems the Seattle police would at least be smart enough to mock the critically injured person away from the camera. I understand that it's a stressful job filled with all sorts of terrible things, however the "gallows-humor-as-a-coping mechanism" argument only goes so far.

  4. Just a guess, but I'd figure what was acceptable for males in positions of power in 17whatever is different than these times.


    Thomas Jefferson accused John Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman"


    John adams replied by calling Thomas Jefferson a "mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father"


    I wonder how well these phrases would fly today?

  5. Conditions Update:


    I went in to try and climb the NE couloir this last Sunday (the 13th) and I think it's safe to say that winter is officially here in the mountains. The trail is icy down lower and very quickly gets into snow (not much, maybe a few inches down low to a foot or so up higher). The way in via mountaineers creek went as expected, some bush whacking but nothing too extreme. I decided to turn around in the boulder field below the start of the route due to high winds, low visability, and a lot of spindrift/snowfall. Also, there is enough snow to cover the boulder field without filling it in so each step is like playing russian roulette. I'm guessing that this area will be closing soon but it's always possible that another window opens. The previous few weeks were the time to be out in the area.

  6. I have the MH compressor jacket and it is great for 3 seasons, but it lacks a bit in colder winter conditions (which is why I also have a large 4 season down puffy). Still, if you really don't want to purchase a 4 season down puffy you can get a lot of mileage out of the MH compressor jacket by layering it with a warm fleece and a hard shell. Plus, I like the versatility with the layering. However, be prepared to get a little uncomfortable in cold conditions. Nothing horrible, but you may find yourself sneaking the occasional jealous look at your partner in his/her toasty big ass puffy.

  7. It seems to me the main point of a windstopper fleece jacket is to replace the traditional system of a fleece and a windproof/waterproof shell (maybe not the water proof part). If that's the case, why would you carry another fleece? Also, most windstopper fleece layers aren't waterproof, so if the weather in the Alps is anything like here you are most likely going to bring a waterproof shell along, especially this time of year. I see no advantage to having a windproof fleece layer around if you are also carrying a hard shell jecket.


    Basically, just get a good fleece and then get a leightweight, waterproof shell. It will serve you much better in the long run, at least that's my opinion.

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