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Posts posted by motomagik

  1. I believe the guilt of the accident alone is enough punishment. Besides the prosecutors office has more serious offenses to deal with.


    More serious offenses? His idea of a good time killed someone. I think he should be prosecuted for sure.

    It reminds me of 2 years ago when some idiot swerved into the bike lane out near Hillsboro and killed a husband and wife out for a weekend ride in the country. They were riding single file in the bike lane and they were both killed. Did that person suffer any consequences? Nope. Just said "la-de-da, I'm not sure why I swerved off the road, oh well". Not even fined, didn't even lose their drivers license.

    I think just maybe people should be accountable for their actions.

  2. People who believe Lance never juiced are so cute!


    Hey Lance haters, have any of you ever had cancer? Ever had your insides and outsides burned away by chemo and radiation? I think if you had you would understand why it's obvious that Lance was clean... Anyone who goes through that kind of hell would never put that shit their body, plain and simple. Just something to think about...

  3. i don't know how it is now but it used to be at any pizza parlor all the guys that worked there spoke italian and many didn't speak much english.



    One of my favorite things about NY is the fact that it IS still like this in most places. We have an Italian restaurant that we always go to when I go back, and it is the greatest place, you open the door and it is like you're transported into an episode of the Sopranos or something, except that it's genuine. Never had Italian food, or pizza either, that even comes close anywhere else...


    and forget trying to find a cannoli out here, an impossible quest... so sad :(

  4. Some day, son, you'll have real pizza and change your mind.


    Ok.....what is your definition of "real pizza"? Let me guess....something from New York? Everyones taste buds are different friend.


    Escape From NY - it's in NW, 23rd I think? Best pizza in Portland, by far. But I might be biased, being from NY and all....

  5. This doesn't even mention the other factor - how much water is wasted on irrigation to grow grain for the sole purpose of feeding livestock for meat production. And don't forget the chopping of millions of acres of rainforest so McDonalds can import cheap frozen beef... Unfortunately, there are many reasons why eating meat is terrible for the environment...

  6. GW Bush is a real American who loves his country.




    Thats some of the funniest shit I heard all year. Bush isnt a real american, he's a disgrace to americans. Get it straight.


    Well said.

  7. I don't think he should go to jail. I think they should let him get mauled by his 55 dogs, see how he likes it. Or they should let him play this season then hang him after he loses his first game, see what he thinks about that. Sorry, you didn't play hard enough, we're going to hang you now.


    People like this deserve much worse than jail.

  8. Thanks for the responses all, well except for you wackos talking about tree climbing pants.


    As far as jobs in Bellingham go this one seems to be a good find. It's for Port of Bellingham working at Squalicum, and the money is actually not too bad, plus good benefits I hear... so it's tempting for sure.

  9. Wow, and I thought Portlanders were bitter about people moving to town... you all are really really bitter. Thanks to those who actually had good info! I didn't realize Leavenworth was that close, they get a pretty good rain shadow there, no?

  10. Just wondering, I have a potentially good job opportunity in Bellingham. I have been there before and loved the town, I am a sailor and am particularly psyched about that aspect, but what are peoples opinions on the climbing situation?

    Is it really dim from Oct thru May? Does the 3 months of good weather and the proximity to Squamish/North Cascades make up for it? Here in Portland we have an easy run to Smith/Trout Creek/Tieton when things are bad on the west side, plus some local crags that are actually pretty fun for dry winter days. Basically, if I move to B-ham will I have to forget about climbing 9 months of the year? Thanks for the opinions!

  11. I believe the good that could come from this research out weighs the bad. The possibility of saving your parents or my parents or your brother or sister or your best friend from dying of cancer or some other life treating disease out weighs the “right” for a cell

    Yup. Maybe Bush and the rest of these conservative wackos against stem cell research should be diagnosed with cancer that "normal" chemotherapy and radiation treatments don't have any effect on. Then when they have a stem cell transplant as a last ditch effort and it saves their life, maybe they will feel differently about the subject.

    My interpretation (then again I could be wrong... it isn't my gym) of the t shirt thing is it is more a subtle motivation for individuals to complete their basic cert as people grow tired of camo quickly.


    Goodness, they make you wear camo too? It's even more whacked then I thought! :lmao:


    Well... I have yet to chip a tooth during a workout so it can't be that whacked ;)

    Hey now! that was really embarrassing! :crazy: glad i have a good dentist!

    My interpretation (then again I could be wrong... it isn't my gym) of the t shirt thing is it is more a subtle motivation for individuals to complete their basic cert as people grow tired of camo quickly.


    Goodness, they make you wear camo too? It's even more whacked then I thought! :lmao:
  14. I laughed at the idea when I found out I had to wear a shirt that said "recruit" across the back for a month...


    If any pdx'ers want to get an awesome workout without the pseudo-military/scary craziness (i.e. you don't want to be referred to as a "killer" :crosseye:), come check out Crossfit Portland. No offense of course!. :grin: www.crossfitportland.com

  15. Wow it's Monday, are we still hearing about IB? There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said on both sides of the argument, but....



    Sometime around the end of the 70's, early '80's, some dirty stunts begin to appear, most notably at the Smith Rocks. Guys like Alan Watts, to their everlasting shame, started their drilling. I thought the whole concept as it evolved was appalling...from the promiscuous use of bolts, often placed on rappel, to a new type of sieging..."red-pointing" and hang-dogging...with unlimited rehearsals after which one could claim to have ascended a "big" number. [Note: I separate the harmless stylistic affronts - "red-pointing" etc., from the truly serious methodological issues: leaving permanent bolt trails in the wake.]


    The manufacturers, retailers and magazine-makers loved it! Sport-climbing's cheap, dumbed-down learning curve and limited risks gave it mass-appeal and the sale of shoes, ropes, harnesses, etc. sky-rocketed. Yeah! More $$$$$$! Who cares about crowds or grid-bolting! $$$$$ And now gyms feed into the system as nurseries for new "climbers", sent "outdoors" with little or no ethical training.


    Is this what everyone is so upset about? That IB's existence is going to lead to the North Cascades becoming the next Smith Rock? I'm sorry but this is quite a long, long stretch. First of all, despite the reputation that the route developed it is by no way a "sport route", as anyone who has climbed it would tell you.

    There are many reasons why Smith is a zoo, and why if you were to climb this route on any given day there is a 99% chance that you would be the only people up there. These reasons are not going to change. There is not going to be a parking lot and a 5 minute downhill trail to Mt Garfield. There is no opportunity for hangdogging, if you are not up to the task then you will not be able to climb the route (calling "take" is not an option when the last bolt you clipped is 40 feet below you). There will not be line-ups at the base of the route. If you were to climb it, you would not hear people yacking on their cell phones. etc etc.

    Anyways, in one of the MANY other threads on this topic it was mentioned to let sleeping dogs lie. I don't think it benefits the climbing community to have a war over this subject, there ARE more important issues at hand for both climbers and the Forest Service, and anyone else concerned with preserving our environment for our grandchildren.


  16. A big beautiful black bear crossed right in front of me while I was mt biking near Hood last weekend. It was so cool, I wish he/she had stayed so I could give him/her a big hug!

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