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Everything posted by macmurtb

  1. I'm jealous...aint nothin' like the N. Cascades out here in New Hampshire......when are you and your lady coming to visit?
  2. Hells Canyon isn't that far either. There are some routes there. Wallowas are beautiful in the summer (better in winter though!). you really feel like you could walk and climb mtns forever. Went with he-who-shall-not-be-mentioned's parents and got lost (sort of), and it was actually pretty enjoyable. Bush wacked our way to Aneroid lake which was really beautiful. Make sure to hit up the Mtn Air Cafe for some huge ass pancakes before you head out on your trip. It is in Joseph-can't miss it.
  3. I'm driving to Yosemite (actually to Mt. Whitney, but we have to go through Yosemite) Friday after work (getting there in the afternoon on Saturday June 16th), with one stop in San Francisco to pick up my friend. Need a driving partner. Will return to Portland on Saturday June 23 at night, so if you need a ride back I can pick you up. Need to be able to drive a manual (I own a Honda Element) and will need to pay for 1/3 cost of gas. Email me at macmurtb@gmail.com if interested or if you want more information. Thanks!
  4. It is an all women's trip, and it is full. sorry! Thanks for the TRs. I am super stoked after reading and seeing these posts! Some of the pics are incredible!
  5. Anyone been to the Sorcerer Lodge recently? I'm heading there in two weeks and wanted to get some Beta..
  6. World-famous climber, writer and scientist Arlene Blum will be speaking in Seattle and Portland. Her lectures will consist of some of the best stories and slides from her climbing career as well her current scientific work to help stop a little known potential public health and environmental catastrophe. Her book "Breaking Trail" just came out in paperback so she will be signing copies of books too. 3/12, 7pm: Portland-Mazama Headquarters, 527 SE 43rd Ave 3/15, 7pm: Seattle: REI Headquarters
  7. Check PM
  8. http://www.missvelvet.net./ It looks like Lucky Lab is creating a beer in Velvet's honor too- A Velvet Oatmeal Porter
  9. Mega media glorification!! check the link for the VIDEO here: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=2892124&page=1 Looks like they got some stardom from this. I'm totally glad these folks are ok, but...i have hard time with the fact that the world is going to associate all climbers/mountaineers with these four individuals who did a poor job of being smart climbers/mountaineers. My partners and I always make sure to check the weather before we head out. In fact, many times the weather determines where we go. If it looks bad, we don't go. This is a HUGE lesson that i feel many people (newbies and veterans) have not learned...climbing is dangerous (fatal at times) if you don't do your homework... My other concern is this, why rope up if you don't know what to do? I mean, i thought that the whole point of roping up is so that if someone falls into a crevasse or off a cliff, that there are others that can drop into a self arrest to help hold the fall..? Were they all walking together? If so, why rope up? So that if one person falls into a crevasse/off a cliff then there are others to keep them company? Hmm.....In addition, why rope up if you don't have the necessary rescue equipment (pickets (or some other sort of anchor), prusiks, slings..etc)?
  10. NOW $40.00-- Backpacker Magazine (3/06) reports that these shoes have "The soul of a hard-core backpacking boot in the body of a dayhiker." Recently bought for my boyfreind but are too small. Worn once to the grocery store and back. Have a Vibram sole, and are made of Gore-Tex XCR; colour Slate. They are size 8.5 mens (size 10 women). Originally $130.00, but i will take $40.00 for them. PM me for more info (pictures), or if interested. Thanks- Brynne
  11. Backpacker Magazine (3/06) reports that these shoes have "The soul of a hard-core backpacking boot in the body of a dayhiker." Recently bought for my boyfreind but are too small. Worn once to the grocery store and back. Have a Vibram sole, and are made of Gore-Tex XCR; colour Slate. Originally $130.00, but i will take $60.00 for them. PM me for more info (pictures), or if interested. Thanks-
  12. Are there any women out there who want to start up some women only b/c ski trips? I am a little tired of skiing with only men...
  13. Anyone have any info on the conditions on Hood? How's is the burgshrund? Looking to climb this weekend, and wanted to see if anyone has been up there recently and could give us some info on the routes...
  14. Well I am going solo, so i was planning on going up the N. Ridge via Hayden Glacier on Middle sister, and then South Ridge on S. Sister. But i am open to other options depending on how the mountains are and the glacier(s) is (are).
  15. Has anyone been to South or Middle sister recently? How were the conditions?
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