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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. So, two 90 year olds had been dating for a while, when the man told the woman, "Well, tonight's the night we have sex!"

    And so they did.

    As they are lying in bed afterward, the man thinks to himself, "My God, if I knew she was a virgin, I would have been much more gentle with her!"

    And the woman was thinking to herself, "My God, if I knew the old geezer could actually get it up, I would have taken off my panty hose!"

  2. Oh Lord, Please Don't Burn Us


    Oh Lord please don't burn us

    don't kill or toast your flock

    Don't put us on the barbecue

    or simmer us in stock,

    Don't bake or baste or boil us

    or stir-fry us in a wok.


    Oh, please don't lightly poach us

    Or baste us with hot fat.

    Don't fricassee or roast us

    Or boil us in a vat,

    And please don't stick thy servants, Lord,

    In a Rotissomat.


    --Composed by Eric Idle and John Du Prez, authored by Graham Chapman and John Cleese (d'oh!)

  3. what a cute couple you two would make!

    I keep telling you people, I'm not gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)


    Why the long face? confused.gif

    I was wondering about the beard confused.gif



    WTF? Knock it off you guys, it's not funny. madgo_ron.gif

    I already told you, I like...bananas. Not plums. Or, whatever.

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