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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. Likewise, I may get some abuse for saying I really, really, really dislike my McHale pack. I bought it in the early 90s, so maybe Dan McHale has changed the design by now, but I paid top dollar for that pack, and have used it only a handful of times.


    It has a pouch on the bottom for your sleeping bag, etc., but if that pouch isn't full, the main, top pouch sags (i.e., the bottom pouch has to be full to support the top pouch). Silly. Because when you're setting up your tent, you'll likely remove your sleeping bag, and then the top pouch, with everything else, flops around. And it's very difficult to fill the bottom pouch if you've got anything in the top pouch.


    And then, it's very narrow and tall, so that when it's full, you can't move your had back more than about an inch without hitting the pack. Makes it very difficult to check out routes, trees, the sky, scenery, anything. Most annoying.


    The quality of the gear isn't crappy; just the design. An expensive mistake, my buying that pack.


    Anybody want to buy a snazzy McHale pack? Hardly used.

  2. I always get people asking me if I reached the summit. Then I have to go into this long story about how I was talking on my cell to my mother's step-sister's cousin's former best friend from high school, tripped over the dog, hit my head on the doorknob, and now have a hangover from drinking whiskey to kill the pain, and that's why I didn't make the summit. Arggh. Wish they would just let me enjoy being out there and not ask if I made the summit.

  3. Watch out

    You might get what you’re after

    Cool babies

    Strange but not a stranger

    I’m an ordinary guy

    Burning down the house


    Hold tight wait till the party’s over

    Hold tight we’re in for nasty weather

    There has got to be a way

    Burning down the house


    Here’s your ticket pack your bag: time for jumpin’ overboard

    The transportation is here

    Close enough but not too far, maybe you know where you are

    Fightin’ fire with fire


    All wet

    Hey you might need a raincoat


    Dreams walking in broad daylight

    Three hun-dred six-ty five de-grees

    Burning down the house

  4. And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack

    And you may find yourself in another part of the world

    And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile

    And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful


    And you may ask yourself-well...how did I get here?


    Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down

    Letting the days go by/water flowing underground

    Into the blue again/after the money’s gone

    Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.


    And you may ask yourself

    How do I work this?

    And you may ask yourself

    Where is that large automobile?

    And you may tell yourself

    This is not my beautiful house!

    And you may tell yourself

    This is not my beautiful wife!

  5. After you get what you want, you don't want it.

    If I gave you the moon you'd grow tired of it soon

    You're like a baby.

    You want what you want when you want it.

    But after you are presented with what you want

    you're discontented.

    You're always wishing and wanting for something

    When you get what you want you don't want what you get

    And though I sit upon your knee you'll grow tired of me

    'Cuz after you get what you want you don't want what you wanted at all.


    Changeable, you got a changeable nature

    always, always changing your mind

    there's a longing in your eye hard to satisfy

    and here's the reason why...

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