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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. One option that is being overlooked is to let Saddam go and allow him to get Iraq back to the stable albeit fucking wacky, country it was before the boobs in wonderland invaded the place. I mean now that we know he had no WMD etc there is no reason to hold him. Seeing as George is about as guilty as Saddam is of anything that he is being charged with. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and call it a draw and get the fuck out. Either way it will be a blood bath there for years to come. It is up to Rumsfield et al to decide from whose arteries it flows.




    Why on Earth would anyone have thought Saddam had WMD's?? I mean, Saddam was just an all-around misunderstood guy, eh Treefrog? And yes, Allison - I too am ashamed that you're an American.


    If you're implying that Saddam was a baddie who needed to be taken out...


    Part of the justification the U.S. gov't and supporters has used for the war is the fact that Saddam (had) killed approx. 100,000 Kurds in his country.


    The calculation is that approx. 650,000 Iraqis have been killed during this war. Some argue with that number, but even if it's off by half--325,000 Iraqis dead since we invaded their country in 2003...who's the bad guy here?

  2. Guh-ross.


    However, heck, if he wants to fuck dead animals, why not leave him to his deviance?


    I mean, we cut up deer and eat them. It's not like it's a sacred cow. And he's not hurting the animal, because it's, like, dead.

  3. If you have a practical idea of how I, knotzen, can stop the killing and persecution and pain of hundreds of thousands of fellow humans, I am listening, GGK.

    Don't vote Republican for starters...

    Dude, I'm so there. Can't wait!!!

  4. There is immoral, um, "inappropriate" killing all over the world, every day. Heck, there was even a homicide here in Issaquah this weekend (the perp set the body afire to wipe out the evidence).


    I have no control over it. I really believe that.


    speaking up =/not caring, and empathy, and a desire to help powerless people


    If you have a practical idea of how I, knotzen, can stop the killing and persecution and pain of hundreds of thousands of fellow humans, I am listening, GGK.

  5. News Bulletin:


    Statisticians have discovered, quite by chance, that this is, to date, the most-read thread on cc.com, at 159,287 views.


    Statisticians at the Center for Boredom Control (CBC; not affiliated with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [CBC]) queried the chances for this occurrence if the thread had been titled merely "Bugs" or "Insects" but declined to be quoted on those statistical inferential numbers.


    Meanwhile, in other news...

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