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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. Yes but we still have gas in our cars

    If it's a battle over resources, one tribe raiding the neighboring tribe for horses, fire wood, etc., let's call it that. And evaluate the value and cost of lives lost and the misery and the pain. And ALTERNATIVES, dude.


    "Dude" not referring to Wayne, 'cuz he's a nice guy who climbs these long solo routes and shit, and gives slide shows at Feathered Friends, but "dude" in the broadest sense of the word, ya know? Yes.

  2. Yes but we still have gas in our cars

    If it's a battle over resources, one tribe raiding the neighboring tribe for horses, fire wood, etc., let's call it that. And evaluate the value and cost of lives lost and the misery and the pain. And ALTERNATIVES, dude.


    Let's not call it a fight for freedom. You cannot force your religion or ideology on others with bombs and guns. It's a no-win "war." It's a war that polls show the majority of Americans do not want, and have little hope of "winning."


    U.S. out of Iraq!


    Whew, political tirades make me sleepy. Going to bed now. Night night.

  3. Our pretzeldent is SUCH a fucking ass hold.


    Criminy fucking banana pie.


    I mean, really. Let's throw good money after bad. Let's tell them *this time* WE'RE REALLY SERIOUS (can we make those caps any bigger?).


    I just...give up. He and our troops on the daily firing line are beyond hope. And today, another memorial for a Washington kid killed there. How many for Iraqis killed in their neighborhoods, in their homes? Does George care? Know?


    Saddam killed a thousand, George Bush...tens of thousand, hundreds of thousands? For what? "Freedom"? Freedom from what? Nothing, that's what. They continue to be an occupied country, with death a daily threat and reality. 20,000 more American troops won't change that. 3,000 dead American troops since 4/03 have not changed that.


    Thank you, and God bless Miss America.

  4. tammy fae is drying away baby jesus' tears, but they are both rejoicing in the glorious salvation of the iPhone.


    Steve Jobs is a prophet.

    Huh. That's what I thought. Carry on.

  5. Shit, aren't you guys forgeting CHEAP WINE?? Helloooo? I thought you guys were fucking climbers. :noway:


    Huh. You can tell who's been there, and who's just jumpin' on de ol' band wagon. Yeah.



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