I am planning a trip to Maiden Peak cabin over the MLK weekend with about 6 others and would like to know if anyone has been there before on MLK. Specifically, I would like to know if it is typically crowded then, and if we should plan on bringing snow camping gear. I am leaning towards no, but don't want to get caught out either.
Incidentally, I have hunted around a bit and can't find very good info for the cabin's location. I searched the gps points provided by http://www.fs.usda.gov/detailfull/willamette/recreation/wintersports/?cid=stelprdb5109521&width=full#maidenpeak http://www.fs.usda.gov/detailfull/willamette/recreation/wintersports/?cid=stelprdb5109521&width=full#maidenpeak but nothing was visible on GEarth. Can anyone verify these coordinates? I've skiied into it before years ago following the blue diamonds along the PCT from Rosary lakes but am a little fuzzy on the directions.