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Everything posted by Mr_D

  1. Wonderful work done out there. Thanks for your large investment of time and money! All of the stations make Beacon that much nicer of a climbing experience. Now, I just hope no one decides to steal the nice rap rings you have added. -Mr_D
  2. Cool Pic. Is that across the valley and across the river? Does mission falls form up fat, or does it have too much flow? I have never seen them in winter...only in summer. My dad lives in Polson 20 mins north of St. Ignatius, so I have him on a recon mission next chill.
  3. I have checked Montanaice.com, but have not seen any pics of mission falls. Does anyone have any pics of mission falls outside of St. Ignatius?
  4. More mixed than ice due to thin (at best) ice. Not sure if it is a melt freeze cyle. my hunch is there is a slight seep with the help of a melt freeze cycle. Of course currently it is more melt than...well it is just melt. Would have to check the area out in summer or fall to see if it flows.
  5. I don't know the exact location of chimney rocks, but that is the area.
  6. Climb: Ice 20 miles from portland- Date of Climb: 1/9/2005 Trip Report: Hal on some secret ice in SW Washington Gear Notes: Road Map Approach Notes: Look for bon fire smoke and beer can empties.
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