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Posts posted by underworld

  1. What is your experience that makes you any more of an expert?


    btw - if we knew what was going on for sure... spray would be filled with ONLY pictures of housecats. we CAN'T know. for the sake of all us deskjobbers/sprayers...don't let us know the truths!!!!!!!!!

  2. The chaos we have caused




    We kicked up that hornet's nest


    yup...should have let the nest grow bigger. ..boiling frog...


    predictions of flowers for the victor


    ever talked to a soldier that's been there? i spoke with a mother of a soldier in the paradise parking lot a while back. she was pretty pissed about what she was seing here with the non-support of the troops. believe it or not, she was talking about the fresh flowers that the locals would put on her son's hummer every morning. and no, i'm not suggesting that is the case for all over there - but you can't say that your view is the overwhelming case either.




  3. interesting how this is so quickly debunked because there is dispute over who wrote exactly wrote it...


    i remember not to long ago, some news agencies ADMITTED that they were reporting fake documents - but were convinced and trying to convince others that they were at least accurate in what they said. ...and all the bush-haters jumped on it and were easily convinced that it was "fake, but accurate"



  4. doesn't anyone watch c-span???


    stuff is straight from the horses mouth. it is incredible how much you see the news (et al) cherry pick what is said



  5. so rank the evilness of those remaining...







    should we use the word evil? that suggests there is a such thing as right and wrong...

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