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Posts posted by OlegV

  1. Thanks for coming guys. Hey, we still got this Russian X-mass ahead of us! As my wife said, no food this time, only vodka and pickles. Plenty to enjoy this time, Kevin. I am surprised, you couldn't go to bed, Pete. I felt like my brain was temporary removed.

  2. Hey Adrian/Bogen, nice to here from you again! I can't believe how sensitive these people are to any innocent comment!


    Just let me know when the conditions are right and we can do any crazy climb in BC!!! It is all about weather and partners, isn't it? How about Canadian Rockies this winter? NF of Robson? Anytthing without long slog.

  3. Great TR Jason! I’d say this trip proofs climbing mountains is all about weather conditions. No complains here. Of cause, more importantly, great partners. I would’ve got lost on the way back - terrains looked somewhat sketchy to me. Can’t wait for the next good weather window to try something more challenging on Rainier. This Nissqually icefall looked interesting and totally undoable.


    One more thing. Mike, we were a little concern about poor ventilation in the hut. We did see a bunch of holes in the sealing but they were clogged with snow and ice. We did keep a door half way open when we cooked but during the night it was closed. I slept on the upper shelf and smelled a lot of gas in the air. I can imagine during winter storm it is impossible to keep vents clear from snow. What do you think?

  4. Climb: Mt. Hood-Cooper Spur


    Date of Climb: 12/18/2004


    Trip Report:

    Nothing else to do, I went up to Cooper Spur today to check on Tilly Jane ski trail. Took me about an 1.5 hour to get to a Tilly Jane cabin. The trail is in pretty bad condition: water over ice plus mud. With very little fresh snow and coming low temp, it will be a skating ring.


    Cooper Spur looked potentially fabulous - ice with very little loose powder. Could be low avalanche conditions next week (if it gets cold). I turned around at 8500 ft because i was baking in sun and didn't want to take a sliding fall into Eliot.


    Lets hope for Siberian cold for the next two weeks!


    Gear Notes:

    no gear needed up to this point.


    Approach Notes:

    Tilly Jane ski trail

  5. I heard, there is a "short" 3 mile trail going straight from the bottom road to a trail head. One could park a car at the lodge and hike for about 1-2 hours. Are there any other cross-country ways to get to Cooper Spur?

  6. I am planning to climb Shuksan during the last week of December. If the weather and snow conditions are good, I would attempt NF. Otherwise, Sulphade Glacier could be an easier alternative. I am also open to any other possibilities, like Rainier, Eldorado, Logan. PM me if interested.


  7. Anyone got experience with these bags on cold winter slopes? I mean actually sleeping outside in a bivy bag? I need a warm bag to serve me in subfreezing mountain conditions of North West and Alaska. NF Tundra and Darkstar caught my attention as affordable and relatively cheap bags. My only concern is their compressibility.

    Any thoughts on similar or better -20F or below synthetic bags in the same price range? Thanks a lot. confused.gif

  8. Sounds great! I don't think we're going to race up the Rainier. Lon suggested to practice crevasse rescue on Hood (Nov 20) before we go up Rainier. I've taken a long glacier travel course last summer and haven't practiced since. Should be fun. Besides, it's only an hour from the trailhead to the Eliot Glacier. I was gonna ask Lon if he wants to crush at my place in Portland a night before. Feel free to join us on Eliot (but you don't have to). Which route on Rainier would you like to attempt?

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