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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak
it's all a matter of perspective. That which you consider fabricated I may consider real and vice versa.
your legitimate fear is someone else's fabricated fear.
The democrats prey on the fears of average Americans to exactly the same degree.
I'll refrain from expanding the thread to infinity and just say although I don't agree with everything on your agenda (at least the details), there is common ground. Too bad our politicians can't seem to find any. It seems they all (both sides) have a knee-jerk response to attack any good idea from the other side, bicker over the details, and invoke ridiculous hyperbole... and if they don't have a substantive basis for the attack, they attack the motives or character of their opponents...
The key word here is to qualify these statements with words like "think" or "believe" - "I think Bush made America more/less safe, because...". Both sides need to acknowledge that there is no way to know for sure. Even empirical evidence after the fact does not prove that things would not be better or worse had a different course of action occurred.
More like cross-dressing. It was a little annoying that the people who make the Teletubbies chose to do put a tu-tu and a purse on a character who seemed male (but was probably more androgynous than male), but, on the balance, no big deal.
That would be a great learning aid for abstinence only education!
Those are the worst types of questions, because there is no answer. Will America be safer? There's no way to know - ever.
OK, here is a glaring counterexample to your unqualified statement: Bush went out of his way to reach out towards American Muslims immediately following 9/11 - irrespective of their political affiliation, and appealed to the American people not to make the mistake of demonizing these fellow Americans. That is integrity and tolerance exemplified.
you think? you haven't demonstrated that to me yet. we can go tit for tat with petty ad hominem attacks all day, if you'd like "Minx". I have not seen the video. I'll judge for myself whether your claim is true or not, once (and if) I do. It is not avoidance, but postponement of the overt discussion until an appropriate age - like middle school.
What specific things on his agenda would you like to see done? I'm very wary of overhauling the tax code and privatizing social security. I'm against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. I'm against government sponsored health care. What is left? I'd like to see tort reform, some semblance of fiscal responsibility and spending curtailed, resolution of the war in Iraq, diplomatic solutions to the crises in N. Korea and Iran. And you?
Translation: if you don't agree with me, come to the same conclusions as I, and share my world view - you can not think. exactly...now you're getting it!! seriously, this goes both ways. there is mass propaganda from the left and right. i need to retract part of my statement above. i do have friends that are guilty of believing some hard left propaganda at face value. The problem is there is no way to independently verify all information we have dumped on us daily. Everyone has an agenda. There is no truly objective fact-checker. We all must pick and choose the sources we trust, make short cuts to derive conclusions, and trust others. It is a thorny problem.
I'm guessing you are in your 20's.
You interjected a comment which implied that rejecting early sexualization of children was somehow an infringement on the private lives of gays. Then reread my comments. You can teach tolerance to elementary-aged children without bringing homosexual themes into the lesson. The lesson can address differences in general - the application to specific differences will be crystal clear.
sounds good to me. we are discussing PUBLIC schools, however.
Translation: if you don't agree with me, come to the same conclusions as I, and share my world view - you can not think.
It's the left-wingers who are making the big deal about "it" - bringing sexuality into elementary schools, dickhead. It is *they* who manufacture this propaganda. As for a life, I have one. Do you?
Listen shit-for-brains, my point has nothing to do with "converting" kids to be gay. It has to do with the appropriateness of foisting sexual issues on them at an early age (elementary school) - and doing so with cartoon characters at that. Children are already sexualized at an early age, which opens them up to problems like sexual abuse. At the very least, it is confusing to them. If the point is to teach "tolerance" in general, there are ways to do this without delving into Barney fucking Sponge Bob up the ass. If you disagree, then you are free to use such learning aids to teach your children.
we're all descended from primates - remember? Obviously you weren't taught about Intelligent Design in school. But don't worry-- within four years, all public schools will lose their funding if they don't teach that God made the earth in six days, 6000 years ago. Hey Chicken-Little, the sky is falling!!
that's what is so wrong with the political discourse today. too much cynicism - too much hatred for the "other" side just because of partisan affiliation and perceived "bogeymen". I don't see it getting any better in the future...
I picked up on this comment: Since I have not seen the video, I have no idea how it portrays "sexual identity". I would not be surprised if it stepped over a line. My general feeling is to leave the kiddies in elementary school with some semblance of innocence. If you want to teach tolerance at that age there are better ways to do it without overtly exposing them to the specific issue of sexuality.
Agreed. I've lifted weights for 20 years, much of which with minimal cardio workouts. To get into shape for climbing a few years back I had to add a lot more of the latter. Being able to rep dumb-bell curls at 50 lbs or bench press 300 lbs helps very little on a climb...
I like watching vintage speeches from 30 or more years ago - back when presidents spoke without dumbing down their rhetoric to the lowest common denominator and nodding to every special interest group. Some of them even wrote their own speeches.
The ones who are fucked in the head are the twisted fucks that mentally rape children by taking away their innocence, force-feeding homosexuality down their throats with cartoon characters. You might as well just hand everyone's kid over to Michael Jackson for a sleepover!