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Posts posted by Bandit

  1. Mountain biking will get you in shape quickly. Try riding up Sun Top Look Out. Uphill for about 7 miles. A killer. Running is ok, but the pounding is no good. Mountain biking for the cardio and weight training for strength. Keep it simple and train hard. It works!

  2. Lance stated in his post race interview that it was the German fans that were out of control. Drinking for 2 or 3 days before and wanting Jan Ulrich to win made for some poor sportsmanship by the German fans. Lance also stated that the U.S. fans are by far the most curteous of all, even to the foreign riders, they show respect. Just shows that the U.S. athletes and fans are a class act. Go Lance!!!

  3. The biggest whipper I can recall was down in Las Vegas. Ya, she really knew her craft. The story goes like this,.......oh, you mean that kind of whipper, LOL! To make a long story short, I woke up the next morning with no eyebrows and a ham snadwich..................

  4. The guy probably had his crampons duct taped on his boots and didn't want to spend the extra five minutes to take them off. Jesus H. , Martha, we've got ourselves some shoe shiners up der on dem der Mt. Adams. I just wonder if he had a black plastic garbage bag to get extra speed on the descent? They should make that an Olympic event. Black plastic garbage bag glissading, SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Stefan, I totally agree with your idea. I've checked into this situation. MRTC used to issue weekend or daily permits at a resonable fee. They stopped doing that and now charge a yearly fee of $235 for individuals and even more for families.

  6. "Areas have to be patrolled". For what? Heli's illegal? Better not rescue or haul anything if it's illegal. Why do they allow snowmobiles in Mt St. Helens area? Just some more enviorn wack nut jobs. Just as I thought. Enjoy the crowds at Paradise fellas. Just like you fight the traffic jams every day in your drone jobs, you'll fight that line and traffic to get into the park. Ya, let's keep those already built roads closed. DUH!! wave.gif

  7. The problem here is two fold. One, you have a minority of enviornmental people who don't want to see any progress made anywhere. I saw it all in The Crystal Mountain Expansion hearings. What a bunch of fruitcakes. They bitch and complain about everything. Some college grad fresh out of Biology class worrying about some spotted salamander. I told Einstein that in the winter when there is 60" of snow on the ground, that little salamander is probably hibernating somewhere. The opinions against the expansion were just plain silly. Same goes for MRNP. About five years ago some brilliant NP official decided they would spend $200,000 to get rid of all the fish in the lakes in the park. It had to do with a salamander again. As you could guess, the fisherman were up in arms. They decided not to kill off the fish. My point is that you have to use common sense. The park says they are short on money? Well, hell, let's make some money. MRNP would provide the best heli-skiing anywhere in the world. I can hear the enviornwhackos as I type. Hey, they use heli's on MR all the time. For rescue, hauling shit buckets, hauling material to Camp Muir. Why not haul some rich clients up and dump them off and let them ski to their hearts content? Too radical? No. It's a money maker. Two, MRNP is a fed run outfit with tons of waste. 99% of the park rangers are lazy and don't do anything but bitch and complain. I'm not talking about the climbing rangers. I'm talking about the grunt rangers. They can't even get the Paradise road open until 12:00 in the winter.

  8. Winter, I'm talking about maintanence costs on "The West Side Road". Not the national forest, not the rest of the U.S. As far as the MRNP doing anything. It's all blah, blah, bullshit. They're not going to do anything except raise the fees and bitch about how they don't have any funds to do anything with. Same old story. MRNP is like corporate America. They talk a good game, but when it comes down to service, forget about it. You guys keep tripping over yourselves on those crowded Paradise trails. It's only going to get worse.

  9. Once a road is put in, what is the annual cost of up keep? Minimal. Especially a gravel road. What? Drive the road grader up and down a couple of times? That's going to cost and arm and a leg. Let's face it people, no one uses that road right now. So let's just preserve it for the spotted owl, bear, squirrels, deer, elk and racoons. It's ironic that people bitch and complain about over crowding in MRNP, but don't want to do a damn thing about it. Just keep waiting in those long lines to get in the park. And keep paying those increased fees, but don't try to make improvements to "Your" park to make things more accessable and fun.

  10. Why build a road and not use it? The road is there in good condition except for the washout. You will get a certain type of person on the WSR, no doubt. Why not make it user friendly? Why put all the pressure on Paradise? The MRNP is always crying about funding. Well, then be proactive. Build a visitor center at the end of the WSR so the lookie loos can have a place to buy a burger and coke. By opening up the WSR you create choices for the people. They should open up the Mowich Road earlier too. Like I said, MRNP belongs to the people, not the park rangers, not RMI, and not the federal government. There is a Marine Memorial that a lot of veterans would like to visit. Most of them can't hop on a mountain bike and cruise up the WSR. That is another reason they should open up that road.

  11. Honestly , they should open up MRNP to heli skiing. I think my point was totally missed on The WSR. Here it is again. There is a road already established. Tons of money have already been spent on its construction. Make it easier physically? I'm not making that point. Make it more accesible, therefore spreading out the crowds. MRNP is easily reached and will continue to be crowded. Why not spread out the people? That's all I'm saying. If you want solitude then travel mid-week and quit being a weekend warrior. Better yet, go to Alaska if you want untouched mountains.

  12. I've mountain biked the West Side Road many times. It is an incredible area. The money MRNP has already spent on that road in years past (IE: The stone walls on sharp corners, the bridge at St Andrews Cabin, and the general work just to create the road itself) is money wasted in my opinion. I would be glad to pay a surcharge to fix the culvert at the washed out creek. With some engineering , the road could probably be rerouted to minimize further damage. This option I feel is going to be needed in the near future to minimize crowds at Paradise and Sunrise. DL, you bring up a good point about Mowich Lk Rd. Open it up, get the flow going and quit being so hard headed. It's our NP, open it up so we can enjoy it.

  13. MRNP needs to open up the West Side Road to take pressure off Paradise and Sunrise. This side of the mountain is literally untouched. I know, some of you will get up in arms about wrecking your wilderness experience. Well, I say, make more of the mountain accessable and spread out the crowds.

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