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Posts posted by syklone

  1. is meant to alert Mr. Krummel to the falacy of his "logic" in promoting this sort of knee-jerk, off-the-wall legislation.


    Exactly. I just wanted to point out the fact that they will create an expectation that will cost lots of money. This can easily be spun into a "look at this government boondogel-they are putting up communications equipment in the middle of the woods, and for what? My kids have XX kids in their class, and this costs what?"


    Iain: You're totally right, I should have read the relevant statutes already on the books before writting. I'm sure though, that all the other letters that you guys are writting will not make my little mistake.

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this one Iain. Its in the mail today.




    Dear Representative Krummel,


    I was very disappointed to read that you are one of the sponsors of House Bill 2509, to regulate the freedoms that Oregonians enjoy when recreating outdoors. Because of the nationwide attention given to the recent tragedy on Mt Hood, I can understand your desire to help keep users of Oregon’s resources safe. But this type of legislation is not the way it should be done.

    Mountain Climbing is an inherently dangerous activity, and those who engage in it accept this as the dominating force governing its practice. Every action that a Mountaineer engages in is calculated against his/her objective, and the safety concerns surrounding that action. An electronic signaling device (ESD) will not make the mountaineer’s judgment keener. In fact it could have the opposite effect. By requiring the use of an ESD there is now the expectation of a timely rescue in case of an emergency. People are more likely to make rash decisions knowing that if they are incorrect, help is a few hours away.

    The definition of an ESD in the act is confusingly vague. I carry a headlamp on all climbs. It is electronic, and can signal to rescuers with it. I also carry a cell phone, which meets the definition. But I hardly think that a headlamp or cell phone is what you or the other sponsors of this bill had in mind when writing this legislation. The climbers in the Mt Hood tragedy had both of those tools. Most climbers I know always carry something that would meet the definition in the bill. If your intention was that people carry a device similar to a Mountain Locater Unit (MLU), then that should be spelled out in the bill.

    An MLU, unfortunately, would not have stopped the tragedy on Mt Hood. Even if rescuers knew their precise location, the weather was so bad as to prevent any rescue attempt. Requiring an MLU to be carried would require a large expansion of the current system, which only covers Mt. Hood. There are many more mountains whose summit is above the tree line in Oregon, and if the government is going to require the use of an MLU, then they need to also provide for the infrastructure to make use of MLU signals in a distress situation. I think your constituency would not look too fondly at State dollars being spent on communications equipment in the wilderness of southern Oregon when they would rather see it going to their children’s classroom.

    If cost for rescue operations is a concern, then I have a novel solution: bill those lost, or their survivors. But if the current legislation goes through, the result will not be a safer Oregon, but a larger edition of the Oregon Revised Statutes.







    Troy Sexton

    Sherwood Oregon

  3. My name is Troy, and I have a problem. I have more ice tools than arms, and none of them have touched ice. I've kicked more gravel on belayers than ice. My crampons have balled up with mud and condoms, but never snow. The screech of crampons on rock is like a beautiful symphony to me.


    So with that said, I know that there are more of you like me out there. Why people have suddenly abandoned the DT night thing escapes me. Just because John doesn't want to be the ringleader, doesn't mean that people can't get together for a little DT action now and then here in Portland. So this is my feable attempt at restarting things a bit.


    I'll be out on Thursday afternoon, rain or shine, around 2ish, and can stay until 5:30 or so. I have a beater rope, tools and 'pons you can borrow, and know where the routes are. Anyone who can belay is welcome.


    Any takers?


  4. Thanks for the updates John. This is some serious business, access wise, and everyone in the climbing community should be concerned, regardless of whether they climb at Hyalite or not. Anyone with a stake in the outcome should write a letter (I have).

  5. Well, I have terrible news for all of you: your hopes of winning either the ropes or the comp are now gone. Why you may ask? Since the comp will not be done in 'pons, I will actually--climb--the route, with 50% less flailing, increasing my odds of winning by 365%. Time to call your bookie.


    But it's only footwork you say? How can Troy possibly win with only footwork? Well, my Barry Bonds approved steriod regimine has provided me with forearms the size of your fat girlfriends waist. I don't even know what "pump" means outside of a gas station. Oh, and that girlfreind? She'll be waiting for me at the car as I go laughing all the way home to the bat cave.


    And the drawing, well, I don't think I even need to mention that one. I'm just a complete lock for it.


    'nuff said wink.gif

  6. She lived in the last house on the road, and said she had seen climbers on it almost weekly. I didn't go down to check out the rock, but she pretty much said to come down and push it over if it was a threat.


    Bill, you skipping out tonight? Suck. I'll be there around 5:30. If its too wet/no one shows, I'll just go boulder at the gym.

  7. I ask you by your own standards to stop posting on this web site every time you do anything out at beacon. I have asked you openly along with other people to stop spraying and posting on CC.com about Beacon.


    To preface this: I have only climbed a Beacon once, and it was with Joseph, so I realise that my input is of little value to the overall discussion.


    That being said, why are some people here advocating NOT talking about climbing at Beacon? Is it your desire to keep the place secret, and to limit the number of people out there? If that is the case, then I would also ask that if demand for climbing at Beacon was at a level you desire, then what motivation would the State of Washington have in allowing it to occur?


    I understand peoples motivations on keeping a secret crag a secret, but this is Beacon rock! Hundreds of thousands of people drive by it every year. The fact that climbing exists there is not secret...


    I'm not trying to create more controversy here, just trying to understand people's position on the issues being brought up.

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