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About Titus_Canby

  • Birthday 11/26/2017


  • Location
    Protecting the Saudis

Titus_Canby's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Looking for topo's for Clean Break and Juno Tower. Anyone know where to get the goods? Thanks~
  2. Dude if you have to ask that I'd suggest a trip up the hogsback arete might be in order.
  3. Yo Bobby Robby- Why don't you and the other right wingers go on over and do some education. Oh yeah, and check all through your house and see all the stuff you own that is made in China. Maybe you are part of the problem. Of course if your american material lifestyle dictates that you need these items, then you shouldn't whine about pollution in the 3rd world until you stop using it. My 2cents.
  4. Ryland Moore said this a while back: "There is also some ice in the canyons around Burns, that I am told, forms every single year." Is this true?
  5. Sunny and blue up there now I think.
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