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Everything posted by erf

  1. Where is Ollie North now? "The prez lied for a good cause" will not sway the core of the vote. Short of major happenings (Osama turning up, another 911, etc ..), Bush is gone. Too many people are pissed off and too many seem willing to vote.
  2. All this backpedaling is priceless. Good to see the warmongers on the run.
  3. erf

    Caption THIS!

    "The total exact sum of known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns suggests that we know for sure!" "Absence of evidence conveniently balanced by lack of evidence of absence means we have all the evidence we need" "Finally let me translate for the simpletons out there: it's not because we made it all up that it means it's not true!"
  4. Nope, but I am closely related to the gamma function and I am important to diffusion
  5. fortunately we can all consider his record to cut through the fog: resume
  6. poppycock! check out the map for overall ecological impact per region
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