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Everything posted by GeckoGrl

  1. Could also be some repetitive strain and carpal tunnel/tenosinovitis. There's always the old ice/ibuprofen, wear a wrist brace at night when it's acting up plan. I've had symptoms like that for years and just treat my arms more kindly when they're acting up. If you want a professional opinion - NW Hand Surgeons is a great group with their own Physical therapy program, they make custom fitted braces, test for nerve damage, etc - and No you don't have to have surgery to get better. They won't recommend surgery unless you absolutely aren't getting better and are continuing to lose function. Hope it's not thoracic outlet sydrome. That would definitley suck and often times does require a rather heinous surgery.
  2. Well said Jeff. Anyone who can inspire other kids to get off their duffs and be active is doing us all a favor (regardless of whether they're making money doing it). Good for her!
  3. Better than having some of the woodwork threaten to come out after us
  4. Not sure if I am a "lurker" - but I did have a blast climbing with new people and gathering under the full moon. Was it raining - funny, I didn't notice B Not talking about you, I am talking about 2 others. I do believe you're trying to draw us out of lurker land. It's soooo... comfortable here, but everyone we met this weekend was so friendly that I'm looking forward to meeting more of you... BTW, some of us lurkers were able to do the cup and pole tricks ala Fern. Thanks for the beer, brat, company, and endless raflle prizes
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