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Everything posted by king_buzzo

  1. So there is this slideshow going on Wednesday night at Feathered Friends. I was going to head to the climbing gym but I think I might go check this out instead. Apparently there is going to be a keg of beer so that makes it all the more appealing. What would be the better thing to do? I guess SG is open until 11, so I could do both... Is anyone else going to the show?
  2. i'll see what i can do with borrowing someone's camera and their help to get the pic on. toddler out
  3. excellent condition Baltoros for sale. Like the Trango but a little softer. $70 cash. you can see these fine boots at Feathered Friends. cash goes to Todd
  4. we have had her shoes for about 5 months with a resole and haven't been able to reach her with the info we have. please email me if you know anything- toddlerinseattle@hotmail.com thanks, buzzo out
  5. hey ben, thanks for the offer but i will stick with $50 since they just went up for sale, thanks, toddler out
  6. Post deleted by king_buzzo
  7. check out http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/mbs/conditions/mt_baker_climbing_notes.shtml mike b for king buzzo
  8. continued: You will need to rope up from the upper reaches of the RR grade (7000 ft) to the summit, and back. The easton route was straightforward with no major crevasse issues. mike b for king buzzo
  9. I was up there on July 16-17 and conditions were excellent. You can camp at the top of the Railroad Grade at around 6000 ft (a few hundred feet above M. medows). Be sure to get a early start from high camp (1 or 2 am) as the snow will soften rapidly as the sun rises.
  10. Don't miss the climbers trail that breaks off from the Whatcome Pass trail, it's not well marked but an obvious trail. If you end up at the cable car crossing you've gone 2 to 1.5 miles too far. Imperfect Impass gets harder when there's less snow on it later in the year.
  11. try Ebay or Second Ascent. that's where I've seen any of the classic remaining Kakulators. also, check out the best high-tops still made-the Boreal Ballet. toddler out
  12. hey, isn't that Alice Cooper in that picture from Hollywood Squares? toddler out
  13. hey eerie, call or go down to feathered friends. in the lobby entrance see ad for an inexpensive 17.5 inch MTB. seemed like a good deal. todd @ FF
  14. hey alex. i would like those shoes. todd at feathered friends. please let me know how we can hook up or feel free to call my work or drop by. 292-2210. thanks
  15. Red aces in beautiful shape, just got their first resole-see them at Feathered Friends; $60-ask for Todd
  16. fine high tops, make a great alpine shoe, spanish made, see them at feathered friends. excellent shape. ask for todd (or PM me). $40
  17. marylou, i am a fan of bag liners, especially if it zips all the way up the side to about your shoulder. i get in with long underwear on and then usually strip down to nothing inside bag liner and can then feel the bag warming up quickly with my heat coming back at me from inside of bag.
  18. i bought those ballet golds
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