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Everything posted by wingy

  1. KTM is cheapest via small travel agencies found in the back of the Sunday LA Times travel section (available at any Barnes&Noble) -- look for Korean Air-centric bucket shops. Flights are via LAX, Incheon, then BKK, but are the cheapest of any I've seen/used; new 777 aircraft on all legs.
  2. I have three Nepali friends (1 married couple and a male friend) who have tourist visas to visit the US. They would like to come to Seattle this summer, to work and make money to return to Nepal with. They all speak English very well, and work in the high Asia basecamp services industry. They have all visited the US before, for a period of at least 1 month. I am concerned about renting them a house to stay in Seattle (they do not have significant experience living in electric/gas homes, nor I am not sure if I could convince a landlord that they would be safe renters.) I am also worried about finding them work so that they can make money, both because their visas do not permit them to work and because of transportation-to-and-from-work thing. I thought some of you might have good ideas. Thanks.
  3. Climb: Forbidden-W Ridge Date of Climb: 5/20/2004 Trip Report: Route is dry. You can' t cheat on the N side on those 4th class ledges (buried), which makes getting off a little longer. Gully is still in, though not for long. Serious moating in effect, and I'd guess the thing will be gone in 2 weeks (I know that sounds early, but it is very dry for this time of year.) The River Road is open to within a mile of the TH, though the Park says that they are "going to close the road at Eldorado Creek." Initially, they told me this would happen "in July", but when we went to get permits they said that "it could be moved down even earlier." So -- smoke 'em if you got 'em. No pics. Gear Notes: #1 Camelot and a picket Approach Notes: Snow at 5500 (more or less tree line)
  4. they do have a 6000m ceiling on the insurance -- buy the rider if you are going higher -- still AAC is the best deal
  5. Someone have a Josh guide I can borrow from the 12 to the 21 March? I will happily leave my Yosemite Big Walls *and* Free Climbs guide books as collateral. Please PM me or leave a msg here quick! Thx
  6. yes -- is it in?
  7. Anyone know if that ice near Baker is still in?
  8. I'm in search of an experienced partner for alpine and ski mountaineering stuff here in the Cascades over the winter, then more. I prefer tranquillo, but no dope. I have experience, and prefer the same. Hard moderate to hard hard stuff. Thanks.
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