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Posts posted by Rad

  1. Any nod to the Tricky

    Is bound to get sticky,

    And to compete with Sir Bill

    One should first pop a pill, mushsmile.gif

    A response to that Dru

    Would invite more Haiku,

    So with all due respect to that sober Berdinka

    And apologies to Seuss, I just sorta thinka

    It’s best if I take my lame rhymes with peak names

    To a new thread instead and don’t sully your games.

  2. Pinnacles Natl Monument in CA is also considered the land of choss, but I climbed there regularly years ago and had a blast. It is a very beautiful park that many non-climbers enjoy.


    Where else can you find towers whose first ascent involved flying a kite over top, landing it on the other side, pulling a rope over and prussiking up? During certain seasons thousands of tarantulas march through the park, peregrins nest on remote cliffs, you can crawl through caves, hear the coyotes calling, hang out in meadows with deer, and ogle oodles of flowers in the spring. Yes, and routes from 5.0 to 5.14.


    I have yet to find the same magic at Vantage. If you do that's great. Enjoy.

  3. Forbidden: Up the East ridge, downclimb and rap the West ridge. Can be done in one day from Boston basin.


    N ridge of Stuart. Probably 2 days car to car with a bivy on route.


    If you want really long, technical alpine rock you're probably going to get your best climbing in the Sierras on this trip (that may offend people on this site).


    My 2 cents: skip Whitney and go to the Palisade basin (near Big Pine). Many great routes of different styles and ratings. Unbelievable setting.


    Then there's Yosemite...


    Sounds like a rockband.gif trip.

  4. The other day I was feeling down so I went to the video store and bought a self-help video on how to handle disappointment.


    When I got home I opened the box...



















    ...and it was empty.

  5. Big thanks to Jon for putting on the slideshow event! Thanks also to everyone who contributed their stories and slides.


    My favorites: Colin's inspiring slides (and hair) and meeting Fred B. What more could you want? Oh yes, bigdrink.gif and HCL.gif


    If you enjoy this website and the camraderie it has generated give something back:



  6. Big thanks to Jon for putting on the slideshow event! Thanks also to everyone who contributed their stories and slides.


    My favorites: Colin's inspiring slides (and hair) and meeting Fred B. What more could you want? Oh yes, bigdrink.gif and HCL.gif


    If you enjoy this website and the camraderie it has generated give something back:



  7. GGK,


    Nice to see you're motivated to find out the facts. BTW, what IS your motivation here? What next? Are you going to write BMFF and disclose your fact list? If they really don't have distribution rights they should know asap and get them or pull the film from the tour. Are you planning to call Bertulis and confront him? What would you hope to gain by that?


    More importantly, what does Surdel want out of all this?

  8. I do commend you for calling Bertulis directly.


    1 - It sounds like Bertulis had distriubution rights that he could transfer to BMFF so they could charge $ for the film. No laws rights are trammeled until they go outside North America (assuming your fact-checking is correct).


    2 - BMFF, or any other organization, can give out prizes to anyone at any time for anything it wants. We could have a prize for the most rockband.gif slideshow at sausagefest and give the prize to snaf.gif for snaf.gif flicks. And yes, you could win for star wars. It may not be ethical, but legal and ethical do not always jibe. Examples include the lovely partisan legislation we're likely to see passed in DC in the next 4 years.


    3 - I hear there's a plot to upload all your lovely photos on CC, photoshop them into oblivion, and enter them into the upcoming sausagefest slideshow competition. Better get them off to the copyright office, and quick! shocked.gif


    Lastly, lawyer language for insomniacs:






    Court adjourned.

  9. GGK,

    You are contradicting yourself. boxing_smiley.gif


    There he went to Film Polski (at that time Polish distribution company) in Warszawa. He purchased North American distribution rights to the movie.


    The fact of the matter is Alex Bertulis did not own the rights to the movie
  10. Went to see the BMFF tonight and was interested to see how they handled it there. Here's what went down.


    1 - No mention of any possible controversy by the BMFF host.

    2 - The movie was introduced as by Surdel, and there was no mention of Bertulis.

    3 - The film ran, and we were reminded that it won the overall award.

    4 - It was stated that Surdel won the award.

    5 - Only AFTER the film was over did the host thank Bertulis for his generous restoration efforts.


    Seems like the BMFF is heading toward the right track, albeit without any acknowledgment of wrongdoing. Their lawyers may advise against that.


    IMHO award $ should go to Surdel, who, if he is any sort of gentleman, should give something ($ or a lot of polish HCL.gif) to Bertulis for his efforts.


    Lastly, though I liked the film I wouldn't have voted it #1. Dude walks straight into an open crevasse and guess what? He falls in...

  11. Options:


    1 - Join AA, stop climbing, and cry in your coffee.


    2 - Amputate with dull penknife, die from infectious complications, and have family apply for Darwin award.


    3 - See the MD. What harm can the doc do? Perhaps you'll get a referral to a PT who can actually get you functional again.

  12. I don't have the historical references to respond in riddle form, but you've given us the thinly veiled answer already:


    Bill- nope.

    Here's a clue. In recent years Colin has moved some peaks from one column to the other. Once by himself.


    Inspiration and Pinnacle/Chopping Block were Colin winter FAs. The latter was the solo. We saw photos of the former at the Dwayner/Marko/Colin Pickets traverse last year. Good fun. thumbs_up.gif

  13. On the whole, this article is probably pretty good for the climbing community because it portrays climbers as responsible outdoor enthusiasts. The explanations were simple enough to be understood by reasonably bright non-climbers.


    The biggest flaw, as Slothrop points out, is the Little Si access error.


    Trad/sport/alpine distinctions are not central to the article, but it makes bolts sound like new and improved climbing rather than an alternative to trad placements.


    Mentioning the theft problems without slamming the police for inaction is probably the best way to raise awareness without riling the coppers.


    Yeah, the locals won't be pleased that this article tells people to park in the wrong spot and walk in front of their houses again. Perhaps the directions were taken from an old guidebook by the editor.


    I'm not really impressed with the way placing gear is described as an "early" method...

  14. I used to wash ropes in the bathtub. Pain in de arse, that.

    Care must be taken to make sure the rope load in your washer is balanced, just like any other load you'd put in there.

    I've never had problems.

  15. I also follow the school of Muffiness:


    New rope = lead rope.


    Lead rope becomes top rope when it is ready to retire from the sharp end (see below).


    Old top rope becomes anchor fodder when trees are really far back from the cliff you want to toprope (I haven't encountered this yet in the PNW but did in the Traprocks of CT.


    Older still gets cut up for dog leashes or otherwise discarded for the snaf.gif


    When to retire lead rope? People do different things. Mammut recommends you keep a log of falls (length, fall factor, date etc) and abseils (rapping for euros). I don't know anyone who really does this but it would be good. When the lead rope gets about half the number of recommended falls, or is otherwise damaged or just getting older, then buy a new lead rope and turn your old lead rope into a toprope.


    Unless you are working a route with long run-outs your rope will probably wear long before you max out on its UIAA fall rating.


    These factors include:


    Abrasion over rough rock or sharp edges (think about this when setting up those topropes).


    Dirt ground into the core can damage a rope. Keep your rope out of the dirt as much as possible and don't step on your rope. Wash it from time to time in the washing machine - woolite, slow spin, drip dry. Easy.


    Excessive UV exposure, heat, or exposure to gas fumes (don't leave your rope in your car).


    The actions of idiots wearing crampons.


    Lastly, if you're not falling you're not pushing yourself. However, if you're logging factor 2 falls you're not thinking.

  16. Small potatoes:


    1 - MF onsight attempt in the gunks. Was only 7 ft over my last 2 pieces, equalized cams in a flaring, shallow pocket. Ropedrag was horrendous so I pulled up enough to get me past the upper crux and to the anchor. Got most of the way there and pumped out - launched, pieces held. Fall was only 20-25 ft but I came swinging down right onto the edge of the roof on the route.


    I smacked into the roof edge with my crotch! shocked.gif


    Thankfully, my brand new locker took the hurt and not the family jewels. I checked for other injuries (cut on leg but otherwise ok) and headed back up. This time I took the same fall again, though not as far this time. Stopped above the roof.


    Third time's a charm. I went back up, found a foothold I'd been missing, and reached the anchor. bigdrink.gif


    The locker still has a nice gouge in it. Anyone need a belay? smile.gif


    2 - Was leading delicate 5.9 friction on sandstone at an SF bay area secret spot when a lizard came running up next to me. A second one sprinted up and jumped on the first, attempting to hump it. smileysex5.gif


    Entwined, they fell together, bouncing twice off the wall before hitting the deck. Both were dazed cantfocus.gif for a few seconds, but hormones soon kicked in and the humper chased the humpee off into the manzanita. yelrotflmao.gif


    I felt pretty silly with a rope and harness and shoes and bolts after that...

  17. Neat and Cool. Smoke Bluffs.


    Onsight attempt, being belayed by a lady friend who wanted to stand farther back (10ft) from the base to watch. cool.gif


    I climbed 15 feet, placing a stopper and then a #1 camelot. In the crux (which I think is the left diagonalling crack 25 or so feet off the deck), I placed a blue tcu in what looked like a solid, if polished, undercling crack.


    I was making the delicate crux traverse moves toward a good hold when my left foot blew off the greasy slab where I had been willing it to stick.


    I launched and immediately flipped because my leg had been around the rope. The tcu popped in an instant, my belayer was lifted off the ground and swung until she stopped at the base of the route (now that's what I call a dynamic belay!). I flew down until the #1 caught me. shocked.gif


    I stopped completely sideways about 18 inches off the ground, and my head tipped slowly and tapped a rock. Thank you helmet. If I'd stayed vertical I would've decked.


    Other than a ropeburn behind my knee, which started to ooze but not bleed, I was fine. Shaken, but fine.


    We waited a few minutes.


    I headed up again, placed a 3/4 camelot a few feet before the crux and got into position. This time I was able to push upward with my right foot in a wide stem off the rampy roof on the right of the crack. This increased the pressure of my left foot on the greasy slab and it stayed put. I pulled the traverse, rested, came back across the ramp above and pulled through the lovely handcrack to the finish. It felt good to complete the redpoint after that fall, to face fear and conquer it in some small way on one summer afternoon a few years ago. rockband.gif


    Neat and cool. cantfocus.gif

  18. W ridge Mt Thompson. Mediocre rock with only 2 interesting moves on the whole climb, and the interesting part is whether the plates you're pinching will pull off the choss pile of a route. It is a lovely setting, however.


    The rock reminded me of Chair Peak, which is another classic summit with great views guarded by choss.


    I agree with Dberdinka: it's all about expectations. I was on the N face route of Vesper, which is a moderate route with quality moves, quality rock, and an amazing alpine ambience, and a party of two we talked with en route said if we liked that route we should go do Thompson.

    Expectations were high and were not met.

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