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Posts posted by Rad

  1. On 7/5/2024 at 2:46 PM, wayne said:

    It says free, has anybody gone through the menu and signed up with the on X prompts? I’m just curious to see if it’s restrictive or invasive.

    If it is free YOU are the product.

    • Like 1
  2. If you have chickens and cats and small dogs running around your yard that abuts the forest, then you're asking for all kinds of critters to come in and eat them: cougar, fox, coyote, raccoon, bear owl, eagle to name a few. It's like leaving an open bag of Doritos on the counter and admonishing your teenagers (or stoned friends) for eating them. Not fair. 

  3. Cains can be very helpful navigational tools in complex terrain, particularly when they guide travelers to the best route past a dangerous obstacle such as a cliff band, steep gully, or river. They can also be helpful in open terrain where a lack of natural features makes navigation challenging. In well traveled terrain, cairns can help keep people on the proper path and prevent alternate trails or other environmental damage.

    That said, some cairns serve no clear purpose and can even cause problems when placed off the preferred route through an area. Superfluous cairns in wilderness are an unpleasant reminder of the presence of people, much the way stacks of stones in a river detract from the natural beauty of the river itself. Like Jason, I knock down far more cairns than I build.  

  4. 20 hours ago, Alisse said:

    Damn, I am volunteering at the tool library that night until 8pm. If it's in Lake City and people are still around after 8, then I can make it!

    What's the date for the next one?

  5. My kids are on the cusp of leaving the nest. Your post takes me back...

    My advice is simple: separate your workout/fun desires from activities with your kids and you'll be more likely to make everyone happy, including yourself. So get fit enough to get out with your friends once or twice a month. It'll be good for your body and soul. Cover parenting so your partner can have a similar opportunity. And do family-focused outdoor fun whenever you can. Just being in nature is good for everyone, even small kids. For family fun, keep in mind that often staying close to the trailhead is easier. You and your kid can have more fun playing in the snow bank across from the Alpental parking lot or near Gold Creek Pond than walking two miles in a crowded trail to Source Lake basin. 

    If kids have a great time doing stuff outdoors with you they might be more inclined to keep doing it - with or without you - as they grow older. 

    Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Have fun!

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/23/2022 at 8:11 PM, Alisse said:

    Sweet, a solid 26-mile round trip bike ride! I hope it isn't raining. Rad, I also vote for the Roanoke Tavern, next time!

    DM me if you want a ride. No questions will be asked, no photos will be taken, no one has to know! 

    • Like 1
  7. I'm in N Cap Hill and can go in any compass direction. Don't know much about bars.

    If you come to Roanoke Tavern on E 10th (free parking nearby, easy access to freeways nearby, two blocks from my house) everyone's first beverage is on me. It does have a bunch of sportsy screen action but should be OK.

    Also close to me is the Eastlake Zoo Tavern. Apple maps describes it as a "dive bar". I could buy you cheap  macro beers and your feet might stick to the floor. Good times coming!

  8. On 11/16/2022 at 9:28 PM, Alisse said:


    I'm on my phone (Android). When I use Google Lens on this code, it prompts me to install the PayPal app. Weird.

    Not sure if this is true for all mobile users, but the DONATE button is at the very bottom of the general forum list page and at the bottom of each individual forum.

    Long live CC and all the beta contained herein! Thank you Oly!


    Ditto. But I installed the app, logged in (I already had an acct) and then went back and scanned QR code again and it allowed me to donate to cc.com. Mission accomplished.

    Oh, and PLEASE come out to pub club so it's not just old white guys ;)


  9. Either way is fine w me. I'd be glad to donate.

    More important to me is getting Jon to hand over the nuclear codes so you can fix some longstanding issues. Until that happens, I won't be investing time in writing more TRs as I can't share them across platforms. Fix these issues, share access to the admin privileges across the team, and create a more sustainable long-term plan that allows more people to keep the site going and perhaps even improve it and I'll put in $500. 

    There is a place for cc.com in this world. It is a great place for route conditions.It is a great place for adventure tales and FAs. Social media platforms and MP aren't so good for that.

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks for posting. As said above, this trip sounds like a resounding success. Did you come back safely, have fun, maybe have some personal growth? In my book those are the hallmarks of success, not whether or not you tag the summit. Don't let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise.

    Come back again as we have lots of wonderful wild places to explore out in this corner of the world!

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