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Everything posted by MtnChicken

  1. Wow! That easy!? ... then again a 5.14 doesn't look that difficult when you have Sharma on it. Perhaps RuMR is a practiced Sprayer and is exerting extreme expertise without even knowing it? ... hmm. I must meditate on this.
  2. I don't want to be a "Lurker" - who do i have to talk to about getting a cool name. And what the hell is wrong with my dancing chicken avatar.... maybe she's on break. (is that better? Closer to spraying?)
  3. MtnChicken

    Cup o' noodle

    As i sit here... with my cup o' noodle in hand (my version of "lunch") and enjoy all of your fine SPRAY - i wonder how i get to the level of spray you are at. How many years of schooling did it take to learn the technique of SPRAYING that you all have mastered so well? ... perhaps practice makes perfect? Humbly yours, Sprayer in Training
  4. I'm bored, anyone feel like a little shop talk? .... c'mmon, tell me about shja muzzah...
  5. ... next time you write a post about me at least call me "Elmerette."
  6. Gender is a hard thing to figure out on a board... i tried to look up her skirt, but.... Yeah, i'm working on the partner thing ChrisT - it's a great plan. I hadn't thought of it. Seriously, live and let live. I was asking a question about types of guns, not the ethics of using them. I've thought long and hard about this, and i'm not completely sold on it as of yet. But, i'm a big girl... and i'm pretty confident that i'll make the right decision for me. I mean all the best, and i'd be happy to meet you and to do some climbing/bping. I am looking for partners after all. Problem being my days off are a bit askew. So, with that.. i mean no ill will. Hope you don't either. Cheers!
  7. Look. Until you are a female, alone on a trail (in a parking lot, walking down the street...) and you feel the prickle of uncertainty when some strange man who stands at 6'+ and weights a good 80+ lbs more than you... gives you the hebbie-jeebies and you realize you are alone, with NO ONE IN THE WORLD to hear you... then, then you can talk about who is "Fuckin' Nutz". I find it disturbing that I'm the one considered nuts. Grrr.
  8. I wouldn't normally carry in a gun - seems a bit on the silly side doesn't it? But, there are some serious nutcases out there, and as a solo female on back country trail... it would make me a little more comfortable. Thanks for your advice, i appreciate it.
  9. I hear there are some gun-toters in here.... and i need a little assistance. I'm currently toying with the notion of purchasing a lightweight, fairly simple firearm. I want to use this for solo back country stuff.... where there might be boogey-men around (not so concerned about bears.) Any ideas? (By the way, my pocket book isn't over inflated, price is an issue.) Cheers!
  10. Hey Klenke, did he make it?.... or he just "tried" Man, failing would've sucked.
  11. Liquid courage = frappuccino. 9am --- (((yawn))) i better hit the sack! that comes early!
  12. TLG - picky, picky! Who needs their OWN partner? Didn't you see? ... we're gonna have a CUBE of Pabst Blue Ribbon! C'mon, i'll even let you belay! Whoo-hoo... a cube of Pabst and TLG on belay-duty, i hope i'm not drivin'... or leading. Hell, maybe you should get there earlier, i may not need to climb!
  13. This "Lil' Lady" will agree w/ Fence... we'll be there. A heat wave, eh? ... Fence don't forget an extra 6'er of Pabst. CHEERS!
  14. Hope you get better soon... that looks like it may have stung a little. How much you askin' for the pins? Coopah, thanks will do.
  15. Oh, man! .... umm, i take it back, I TAKE IT BACK!!! STAY HOME! That looks nasty. I'm telling you, always to check the utensils before a manicure/pedicure... it can get ugly. ... hope you get better soon.
  16. ... grounded? Sneak out. I had missunderstood this whole thing. I thought you needed a permit just to be BACK there, so you only need one to camp? I've played innocent in similar such sitations, "(playing with a pig-tail) so, i stop by the ranger station FIRST?... (giggle)... oh!" But, eh... it's easier to play by the rules. So, it's pretty do-able as a car-to-car, eh? Hmm... gots me thinking!
  17. I'm one of the freaks with wierd days off. I have Thurs/Fri's off weekly. Anybody else in the same predicament and want to go climbing? Some goals for the summer is: Prussik (if it weren't nearly impossible to get a permit.) N. Ridge of Stuart, moderates in the Wine spires... i'd even just go for some climbing at Index or 38. I come w/my own gear... and i only whine occasionally BTW - i am a gal, so be OK w/ that. Thanks.
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