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Posts posted by marylou


    You should talk. I'd rate you at about a 20 watt bulb.


    So, what's on your tick list for this year?


    Right now, learning how to walk without pain and paying off my medical bills.


    I'm recovering from surgery, so my goals are pretty modest.


    And this has to do with the caucuses how? Your outrageous leaps of logic defy even the time/space continuum.

  2. Two things:


    Voting is still regulated by states. I'd assume (perhaps incorrectly) that a states' right-er would want to keep it that way.


    Vote by mail has been proven time and again to be a very vulnerable method. I'm not sure why people don't seem to be concerned about that.


    I'm also not sure why I bother to respond to stupid questions put out by our resident genius. Hardly worth the time. FW, you really ought to become better-informed before discussing politics.



    ...this coming from someone who doesn't even know when election day is? :rolleyes:


    Oh, it's much worse than that. I often don't even know what day of the week it is.


    I'm sure it has nothing to do with working a completely erratic schedule for most of my life.

  3. Federalization.


    Spoken like a true


    old-school Democrat


    For being a self-proclaimed "smart person", your critical thinking abilities really aren't up to snuff.


    Careful, they'll vote you out of Mensa.

  4. Two things:


    Voting is still regulated by states. I'd assume (perhaps incorrectly) that a states' right-er would want to keep it that way.


    Vote by mail has been proven time and again to be a very vulnerable method. I'm not sure why people don't seem to be concerned about that.


    I'm also not sure why I bother to respond to stupid questions put out by our resident genius. Hardly worth the time. FW, you really ought to become better-informed before discussing politics.

  5. I'd gladly weigh my record for posting "morally" or "about morality" on this website against yours, Mr. Fairweather,................ Do you think that liberals are more prone to cheating in elections than conservatives?


    I put forward Maylou as exhibit A.


    Casting a legal vote in a legal election is not cheating, genius. :rolleyes:

  6. The store stayed open til 8 tonight, I swung by after work. Still quite a bit to choose from, especially for base layers and they seemed to have a lot of nice softshell jackets.


    Undies were half-off, who can resist that?. I grabbed a couple of them. (well, I paid for them on the way out too.)

  7. hey, do you think you'll be able to ditch your cleaning supplies early enough to go vote next week? :rolleyes:


    Gosh, I don't know Rob! We wouldn't want anyone living with a dirty floor, doncha know.



    I might just take next week off anyway. I could use the time to overthrow the government and maybe invade a foreign country, like say, Eastern Washington.

  8. My father graduated in 1968, I think. He's not really that crazy, either, but he's convinced every muslim implicitly supports terrorism. It's the communists all over again.


    My dad graduated from things at various times, some in the '60s. He was a McGovern supporter but then went semi conservative as he got older. Now married to a liberal attorney in the mold of Hillary C.


    Apparently I just never knew he had racist leanings. The way he and my mom raised me, it is (was) the farthest thing from my mind.


    That said.... :blush: hmmmmm.

  9. My dad votes republican sometimes, but I don't think there's a racist bone in his body.


    I take this back after having spoken to my dad, by the way.



    My dad, too. :(


    You're dad's playing the racist card too? That sucks. Being middle aged, I thought I already knew all the annoying crap that makes my parents, well, human.


    I thought my dad was more evolved than this, and it bums me out too. :(

  10. I agree. Her actions are juvenile. It seems to be legal, if you only vote once. As to whether or not it poisons the process for the rest us, I disagree. The process is already poisoned and corrupt (though better than smoke filled rooms).


    I know this might shock and upset some here, but it looks like I might get stuck at work until after the polls close tomorrow night. It all depends on the whims of the employees of a major software corporation based in Redmond, Washington at this point.


    I am still optimistic that I will get done with work in time, just to upset and irritate folks who think I am commiting a terribly wrong and immoral act. Take solace in the fact that I have crossed parties in many primaries prior to this, if nothing else. It is within my rights to leave work early in order to vote, but I'm not willing to turn down the O/T just to make a point, at this point. It seems I've already made my point.



  11. Ok, I finally got to talk to my dad tonight. Apparently Barack Obama is a silver tongued devil with zero experience who is just running on being a black guy.


    Who knew?

  12. you've openly admitted to doing far worse than name-calling on a bullshit internet forum dedicated to flame wars. what you did actually fucking matters. :ass:



    Yes, crossing parties in the primary is pretty much baby-raping by any other name. :rolleyes:

  13. My dad emailed me (he is a real moderate, votes both ways regularly) that he'd rather vote for Bush again than vote for Obama. I have not had a chance to talk to him about it yet, but what exactly is the mortal flaw with Obama besides being a little young and fairly new to national politics?

  14. So Fairweather is calling someone a childish little bitch after he announces that he is going to go tattle on someone? Where I come from, the one that does the tattling is the little bitch.


    Clarification: he is going to tattle on me for doing something that is completely and 100% legal.


    If it is such a goddamned anathema to have Democrats voting Republican in the primary, well the best way to accomplish that would be to get rid of the primary vote and get all their delegates through the caucus system like the Dems do.



  15. Anyone who needs to sink that level of profanity in a fairly civil discussion like this one only shows their own character.


    No one is attacking you two or calling names.

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