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  • Occupation
    booty slasher
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    vancouver bc

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Klenke said: "However, if you're slipping because you unintentionally lowered the available friction by way of decreasing your own normal force (because you leaned into the rock too much instead of keeping your butt out as is required), then you can possibly stop sliding just by getting your butt back out where it's supposed to be. In this case, the inclination of the rock is less than the angle of repose. Getting your butt back out simply increases N, thereby increasing f. " Particularly klenke said: " Getting your butt back out simply increases N, thereby increasing f. " this doesnt seem correct to me, im no engineer however. Getting my but out will put more of my normal force, which remains constant throught my climb, perpendicular to the rock therfore less in the downward direction therefore reducing friction allowing me to "walk" back down the graph away from the dip that marks slipping, or where kinetic friction comes into play. Yeti
  2. In order for you to stay in a static position on slab of rock the friction force must be equal to the amount of downward force applied. on a vertical slab this would be your entire weight, however on a slab that is not vertical friction force must only equal the portion of your weight in the downward ( Parallel to the rock) direction. gslater said:"Friction = the coefficient of friction times the normal force (aka the component of the weight in the direction into the rock). For forces to be equal to each other must both be in opposite directions on the same plane. However Normal force points into or out of the rock while friction force is along the rock. To increase your normal force you would have to get heavier or push harder against the rock. Al_Pine said:"for the right combination of friction and slab angle you would stick better if you were wearing a backpack full of rocks!" Do you really think that it would be a good idea to climb a delicate slab with a super heavy pack? Doubt it!! You cannot increase the coefficient of friction of a certain material by adding weight you can however increase the force exerted by the material until failure as seen in the first post drawing, so no reason to add more weight you wont climb harder just slip sooner. So as we all know when climbing slabs stick your ass out to 1) get more contact of your sole to the rock 2) To reduce the amount of weight in the downward direction therby requiring less friction. Yeti
  3. If the normal force is perpendicular to the rock and the friction force is parallel to the rock how do you think that more normal force will stop you from sliding? Wouldnt more friction be needed to counter the slide due to gravity. Gravity points down, while friction points up along the rock. More normal force would just mean an equal force from the rock pushing back at you, otherwise your foot would go into the rock along the direction of the normal force. I geuss if you could crush rock thereby creating steps in the rock, friction climbing would rather trivial so in that sense more normal force may help you get up the climb. Yeti
  4. "There ARE guys out there who meet all of the criteria!" Why do you girls say all that shit about what you want in a man, when in reality thats the last thing you want. For instance if Ryland actually did all that shit he would be dropped by the side of the road in two weeks. Women need drama and lots of it, if they cant complain to their girlfriends about all the problems their man causes they quickly become bored and agitated. So to all the guys that want to keep gettin laid, dole that good shit out sparingly givem abit of drama to complain about, always say no more than yes. And for all the girls who will post about this, it doesnt matter what you say because thats never what you REALLY want. Now go home tell your girl your busy tonite and she will be at your place by the morning ready to deal with the moring chubber. The YEti
  5. yeti

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    trask:"at any fag bar " Why is it that all the tough guys are fags, I geuss if you get bent over and fucked enough you turn into a gaping asshole, like trask. The YEti Thanks for the spidy info.
  6. Anna maybe bail on the customs thing, i have a bag that needs to get over the line, I would call it a pie run, or major cake run. Im totally interested in knowing more american small plane pilots. The YEti
  7. yeti

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    ian that spider man is great where can i get that The YEti
  8. YEti:"maybe the first route on the apron." what, the second, I remember it being one of the first to go up, not that I was around then but I read it somewhere. 5.8 huh, considering other routes like sparrow and snake rated at 5.9 i would have too strongly disagree. The YEti
  9. In sqaumish, test pieces/ sandbags are located by a particular first ascentionest: Robin Barley. Orfice fish defintley has some tough moves down low but it eases up pretty quickly so I think its not much of a test piece. 5.9 test piece: cant remeber the name, barley route three pitch crack 5.9 on the far left of the apron next to calculus crack, maybe the first route on the apron. the YEti
  10. Trask: "my 9 yr. old daughter can put 8 rounds of .45 in a 4" group at 7 yds. my son is an excellent trap shooter at 13 and beats the fuck outta assholes that flip him shit " Do you live in a trailer? "Jeez, last week my son and his friend got into a full blown fist fight in my yard. A true face punchout battle which I finally had to break up when my son Drew was slamming the other fucker's face into my cedar fence. " Sounds like a good candidate for gun ownership, The YEti
  11. "Yeti, this habit that smacks of poedophilia " RObBOb: is this what your girl told you when you tried to do it?, dont forget rule 1. This is tricky must use jedi mind tricks. " and kink" RobBOb: A little too kinky huh I think you have alot to learn, this would be classified as beginner level kink. "You will see the error of your judgement...but by then you will be past the age where you can go back and revisit the wonderfully-diverse array of bush that you never saw" Im all over the landing strip, the brazilian, the triangle, the superfine trim, and babybum. but if your talking about the difference between long curly, red head sasqautch, or the asian long straight then your idea of wonderfully diverse would be my freakin nightmare. "And I bet Messner wouldn't be down with that, judging by his age and facial hair." Celebrities dont need trim nothin, they hit world class booty by default Happy Hittin Yeti
  12. The problem is age, most women who were born earlier than 79 have no idea how to keep their bush or that you should always wear G-strings. Any woman who was born after this date knows A) how to keep their bush and B) knows that panty lines are disgusting. The same goes for most guys, any guy who doesnt trim his pubes or any hair that grows out of any orfice is old and outta date, if you want a girl with a porn mag puss you better not have your ball hair growing in to your ass hair!! Also tips on getting your outta date girl to shave 1) dont EVER tell her its your fantasy to be with a school girl. 2) tell her you would go down on her more often. 3) get her in the bath and do it yourself!! and in no time youll be hittin baby smooth snatchy. Happy Hittin Yeti
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