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Everything posted by youngprofessor

  1. Hey Dalius, Your diatribe on Roskelly, Wickwire, or whomever, well, it’s totally weak. Why don’t you head back to Chicago with your photo bag, and try cleaning up your act. Crap laden opinions like yours are totally not appreciated, at least by me. You spew out rotten suds about the guy…and I KNOW you wouldn’t have the guts to say that kind of stuff to his face. If you’re not willing to do that, then take your blanky home, suck your thumb, and whack off a little, and maybe then you'll feel better about yourself.
  2. U2 PLANE FORCED DOWN OVER WASHINGTON STATE March 5, 2003 MOSES LAKE, Washington State—Three United States F-16 intercept fighters forced down a U2 plane being flown by a renegade Air Force pilot on Monday. The plane, when finally located, was circling at 65,000’ in clear skies over Mt. Rainier, the highest peak in Washington State. All four aircraft landed safely at the Big Bend aviation center, near Moses Lake. When asked why he kept flying over the mountain, the pilot purportedly said that he was gathering photographs for “sightseeing purposes.” Several high-speed film canisters were confiscated during the search of his aircraft. This stunt follows a similar event in the midwest two weeks ago, and more recently, a potentially deadly encounter between a U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance plane and four North Korean MIG fighters off the east coast of North Korea last Saturday. By John E. Waulker, Associated Press Writer
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