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Everything posted by Linebacker

  1. I skied Newton Canyon on Sunday with one of my bros, it was some all-pro gorilla skiing in the wind crust covered mush. But then, I guess that is why they call it back-country lb
  2. You doods, nice pics and tr lb
  3. Sounds like a good trip, let me know when you guys are trying it, I am game for a long weekend around the hill on the boards. lb
  4. Tex-man, The cave over at my place is open and getting an expansion soon. It also does not require a ski approach. Not exactly ice climbing, but better than surfing the net! lb
  5. Brought to you by the editors of TopRope magazine With thought provoking articles like "How do they get those thingys down from the anchor?"
  6. Great pics, looks like another great day in the mountains. Looking forward to healing up getting one of these with you Crackster! lb
  7. Nice TR and pics. Looking forward to catching that line with Crackman and esteban. LB
  8. Crackster and este, Was glad to be there on the other side to pick you boyz up at T-Line. Pretty much all the adventure I can enjoy with a busted ankle. Hopin' to catch that left gulley with you cats when I am out of this f'in cast. Or when they let me strap some campons to it LB
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