kevbone, don't be so sure. remember you live in portland. go talk to some folks from other parts of the country. they're not all that warm and fuzzy over obama and some of actually think mccain is a decent choice. as much as love living in the liberal realm of the PNW, its not inconceivable that mccain might win.
alright then, so far the lack of response is telling me that there is nothing redeeming about either of these locations. guess i should book the red eye!
is it really necessary to respond everytime kevbone calls you out? seriously, if your manhood can't deal w/being challenged by the likes of kevbone you need to reassess.
kevbone, you know that i'm a tree hugging, peace spouting lefty but come on, isn't this the type of post you ended up regreting not too long ago.
in my worst nightmares jon mccain is our next pres but that really has nothing to do with it.
working towards 8000 myself someday i'll be as cool as the rest of you 8K tards.
nope, not too ready for it myself. just gonna watch you and scotty beat each other up i guess.
have fun!
i'm getting hammered with a bunch of shitty business trips this summer fall. i really don't need to go to atlanta in august or dallas for tht matter. places i just really don't feel the need to visit at all. i always like it when i can snag some free travel to some place interesting when i travel for work. but this sucks. anyone know anything worth my time in either place?
yes, yes, of course, poor little scotty needs to be handled w/kid gloves and TLC.
but it is in the spray section of the board...spray, pirates adn le cafe