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Everything posted by neversummer

  1. Lawgoddess- Anything up to about 5.11, doesnt really matter to me, I'll climb 5.7's all day if it means im out climbing. But Erik is right how I belay and whether or not I've killed anyone is probebly more important on a sport climb. The answers by the way are solid and no. What about you? I should be free on monday if you wanna go, I've been trying to plan an enchantments trip but it fell apart.
  2. Well then send it again, Let's go....
  3. Hmmmm, When did i not read/answer my e-mail? I didn't see anything from you so....
  4. Cant say ive ever been to Stone Gardens, if I do hit a gym it's always been the Vertical World in Redmond
  5. "Know's too much"? Bout what? Can't speak for BSer, but I've been reading the board for a month or so and just started posting last night.
  6. Hey, I just posted looking for a partner, if your willing to take on a relative newbie, with some skills and drive hit me up, no bullshit excuses here, I got no job, no kids, no lawn and am ready to go at the drop of a hat.
  7. Anybody interested, Im ready to go anytime, Tomorrow is good too. To be honest I'm somewhat of a newbie to outdoor sport climbing, done tons of bouldering and gym climbing and a little bit of leading. But I havent had any partners of late to go out an clip some hangers with and I'm itching to fire of some routes with someone. I'm unemployed with all the free time in the world, So as B.S 'er said in a recent post... Where are we going and when do we leave?
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