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Posts posted by ChrisT

  1. I had an old Puffball and walked into the patagonia store with it on. It exuded a large amount of horror and disbelief that I could trash a jacket so badly that they took it from me and gave me a new one...now called the micro puff.

    The micropuff, along with a dri-clime windshirt (whatever brand you choose for either) are almost essential articles of clothing in my climbing pack. I can get away with a micro puff and/or a dri-clime windshirt all summer long.

    As for winter use, both are essential for me too. The dri-clime creates a micro-climate as my layer over my silkweight poly-pro and acts as a windproof high-exertion layer on approaches. The micro-puff is my warm climbing layer since it fills out dead airspaces under a hard or soft shell top. It is a much much better layer than fleece or wool since it is much warmer for the weight and packs down better too. On hot ice days, it stays in my pack, unnoticably light.


    So basically the thing is the perfect weight to temp ratio. One could argue endlessly about the differences between types of insulation (polarguard delta in the patagonia...primaloft one in others...etc...).


    Moonstone also makes what is called a lucid jacket which is a super duper lightweight down jacket that is a good deal warmer and lighter than the synthetic micro puff. I almost pro-dealed one until i got the hook-up with patagonia. Now, i'm glad i did, b/c i think it would've gotten soaked. I would rather have the lucid for summertime since it won't get wet and is lighter and warmer.


    If you're buying to last, I'd go with the patagonia on all clothing items b/c you can return it easier than you can return shit at REI. the returnability is built into the price tag, which you may notice is much steeper, but worth it in the long run and you can buy it from anywhere and still return it.



    That's a great story, Mike. You are the one, the only Patagonia Poster boy. Maybe you could get a job in product testing - no one can thrash their gear better than you! hahaha.gif

  2. Maybe you could move to Portland and get a job at the Crystal Ballroom cool.gif


    Was that place once called La Luna?


    4 nights of modest mouse! Yowza!!!!

    And George Clinton...other than G.Love, Ive NEVER seen anyone play so long....5hrs I think at his last show.


    No La Luna is long gone but that was a really fun place! It was across the town on the other side of the river.


    I got my son tickets to Death Cab for Cutie on 11/10 and the Monday night show of the MM tour...now I can't afford tickets for myself. frown.gif The Crystal is indeed a great place with a nice springy wood floor. cantfocus.gif Next time you're out this way, we'll go see a show there. wave.gif

  3. From KGW.com:


    Two hikers fall into Mount Hood crevasse


    01:52 PM PST on Thursday, November 4, 2004



    By ABE ESTIMADA, kgw.com Staff




    MOUNT HOOD – Clackamas County emergency teams are mounting a rescue of two hikers who may have fallen 100 feet into a Mount Hood crevasse.






    Mount Hood on Thursday afterrnoon.


    The Clackamas Country Sheriff’s Office received an emergency call about 11:30 a.m. on Thursday from one of the hikers, who said he and his male climbing partner had slipped to the bottom of the Sandy Head Wall on the Sandy Glacier, said Detective Jim Strovink of the sheriff’s office.



    The area where the accident occurred is southwest of the popular Crater Rock climbing area at the 10,000-foot level of Mount Hood.



    The hiker who made the emergency call broke his arm during the fall. His climbing partner had a back injury of some kind. Both are equipped with cold weather gear.



    “The good news is they’re in communication with us,” Strovink said. “They are conscious. They’re breathing, but they are definitely in distress.”



    It is unknown how the climbers fell into the crevasse, Strovink said .



    Also Online


    Strovink talks about Hood rescue

    Clackamas County and American Medical Response teams are staging at Timberline Lodge before making the climb to the hikers. The hikers told authorities that they are able to see the sky from the bottom of the crevasse, Strovink said.



    It is the clear weather that is aiding the rescue effort, he said. Rescuers want to reach the two men before sundown.



    “(Rescuers are) going to be making an assessment once they arrive there, if they’re going to rope these individuals out, and perhaps, they may be lifted by helicopter,” Strovink said. “We hope that would be the most expedient measure.”



    “…We just keep our fingers crossed and move as rapidly and as cautiously as possible.”

  4. I concur. When Brokaw asked Kerry if he was a liberal in an interview, Kerry hemmed and hawed and never really admitted that he was a liberal. Kerry tried to appeal to as many voters as he could. In contrast, Ted Kennedy said he was a liberal and proud of it.

  5. I too have great respect for the judicial system having spent much time in the courts this past year. That said, I'll be really pissed if they overturn Roe v. Wade. madgo_ron.gif

  6. i'm truly surprised by my reaction to this. i am genuinely depressed. during the last debacle, i saw the results and moved on. this time, i truly don't feel like leaving the house. ugggh



    I feel the same way as minx on this one and I finally figured out why. This election demonstrates the final triumph on anti-intellectualism in this country. The last election was a sign, but a lot of us were optimistically thinking, yeah maybe people could be fooled into electing a dumbass one time, but they'll see the error of their ways once they see him in action, plus he wasn't really elected anyway, so this will all sort itself out the next time around. Well, wrong. The majority of Americans saw the idiocy and decided they liked it. Now we bicoastal urban secular non-NASCAR-watching "culturally elite" types fully realize just how fundamentally different we are from the rest of America, and this sense of disconnect is depressing.

    I think I was more bummed out in 2000. This time around I felt that Bush had the incumbent advantage and he campaigned a lot harder than BushI did when he was the incumbent. So I was a little prepared for the loss...and don't worry gals..we'll have another shot in only 4 more years. cantfocus.gif (what's more disappointing is the dismal state of Washington state politics confused.gif)

  7. Yes there are some profound issues pertaining to reproduction and evolution. For instance, more couples are opting to abort potential physically and mentally disabled fetuses, something you don't hear a lot about. I predict in the future we'll probably see less people with physical birth defects, but possibly more with mental defects - maybe around the time that everything becomes handicap accessible. cantfocus.gif

  8. that's cute yelrotflmao.gifGoing down to the polling place is always an interesting experience. Today, however, I'm a little stressed out about the "record turnouts" and I hope I don't have to wait - impatient bitch that I am. hahaha.gif

  9. On a side note, I'm looking for $500 beater car for my 16 year old son so I don't have to provide daily taxi service. Pref. an old volvo as I'm sure he'll wreck it anyway. Wish I still had my '65 Barracuda.

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