Greetings All:
A couple of things:
1) Jake, I wanted to make sure everyone knows that the landowner who put up the "No Trespassing" signs is not the enemy. He is actually a pretty cool guy named Chad who I have run into several times and, although not a climber, he doesn't seem to mind climbers passing over his lower driveway - he's not too fond of the motorcycles that rip up the hillside or the drunk shooters that favor the big parking area. He's the guy who keeps the driveway graveled and plowed, and has actually maintained a small pull-out for folks to park in. He just doesn't want people driving up and turning around in his front yard or sending rounds over his roof.
2) Steve, nice write up on the parking situation - very accurately described (although I didn't check the Lat-Long coordinates.) and also a good update on the DHNAA land swap/acquisition. This area will be a treasure when it is finalized! You are absolutely right about the need for some trail work days. The approach trails have supported a small climbing community but will braid and erode with heavier use, and the entry road and parking area will be a long-overdue project.
Look forward to meeting some of you folks in person soon.
Eric Barrett
Spokane, WA