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  1. I saw GWAR in Boise -- it was sweet! I wore a white t-shirt that ended up being red and green when the show was done. All the fake blood and green gore they hose the audience down with makes for a very good time
  2. White and Nerdy is my new theme song!! "I'd like to roll with the gangstas Although it's apparent I'm too White and nerdy"
  3. I've been up Cloud peak too. Very nice slog to the top and it has a great view. However, it is a popular place to backpack -- saw lots of people at the lake at 10,000 feet. But, didn't see anyone hiking to or from the peak itself.
  4. I think Bush, Ashcroft, and our current congress are doing a fine job of taking away the freedoms we cherish.
  5. Mongo

    Hey JOSHK

    What's there to see?
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