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Posts posted by Anna

  1. Why I love men that climb:


    1. They have a deep admiration for the outdoors


    2. Most of them have all their teeth


    3. They show off their manliness with such strength and grace.


    4. They're burly as hell


    5. There is nothing like a man with a full rack dangling from his chest... [big Grin]


    5. Appreciate women that love to climb!

  2. You're right Son of Caveman, women use sex as a weapon...the sooner you realize this fact, the better off you will be. Well, I don't know how much better off you will be. Single is the way to go, man...no obligations and all the meaningless sex you can handle!

  3. Hey all of you that have not attempted this mountain yet this spring! As Lisa and I found out, it is a little too early to ascend this beautiful volcano....there was a lot of skiing to be had though! We took the Southern approach east of Cold Springs-near Smith Butte. The snow stopped our vehicle at 3,600ft on road 82 when we busted out the packs and headed up the road and then bushwacked to the A.G. Aiken Lava Bed using our steller compass navigation skills. Long approach-6 miles from our car to timberline. Camped at South Butte (8,000ft) and decided to head home when 50 mile an hour wind gusts prevented us from even standing at times up there. Skiing was great! This was my first ski descent so Lisa took me under her wing and showed me the telemarking basics. But I stayed with the alpine style cuz it was a little more difficult for me to manuever with my pack! Learning though. Ran into some mountain freaks the second night when we thought that the mountian was ours...three very nice men form Colorado. They shared our opinion on the horrendous wind and proceeded to descend to enjoy the ski/snowboard ride down the lava bed. Fun! Fun! Fun! Burly chic pics soon to come on this thread. Have a great summer everyone!

  4. Well, I know where I was....getting spanked on Astro Bunny!!! You did awesome SK! Let's do it again....I had a lot of fun. Yah, Mister Old School on Heinous Cling was an amazing climber-even downclimbed da shit, truly graceful! What a couple of gapers we are, eh? [laf] ...well, not that the scenery was all that bad! My arms are so wasted!!!

  5. Yah, I was supposed to go to Leavenworth (for the first time!) this weekend too and the same thing happened [Frown] I'm gonna go to SMITH this weekend cuz the weather is better down here anyway, or maybe I am trying to get over disappointment. Come on down!!!

  6. Yah, I was supposed to go to Leavenworth (for the first time!) this weekend too and the same thing happened [Frown] I'm gonna go to SMITH this weekend cuz the weather is better down here anyway, or maybe I am trying to get over disappointment. Come on down!!!

  7. Thurs 7pm. I guess I will just wander aimlessly around the pub until I find some folks that might resemble climbers.:-) Never been there before. Maybe you guys can find me--long blonde hair, 5'10". See ya there!

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