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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    festivus in february

    AA batteries
  2. ivan

    festivus in february

    pencil thin mustaches
  3. ivan

    festivus in february

    blue jeans
  4. ivan

    festivus in february

    the leisure class
  5. ivan

    festivus in february

    south african artillery
  6. ivan

    festivus in february

    half chubbies
  7. ivan

    festivus in february

    wet snow
  8. ivan

    RIP birdman

    the first of these legends to die that i connected w/, in a real way talkeetna, 2003 - got good n' high w/ him n' his dog in the park right by the west rib pub - the 3 of us spent a couple hrs snoozing in the sun soon thereafter
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/16/obituaries/jim-bridwell-mountaineering-maverick-is-dead-at-73.html?hpw&rref=obituaries&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=well-region&region=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well wise sir, do not grieve it is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark
  10. sounds like a chest beat to me - free soloing is by definition climbing/o a rope, but at some point 1st class turns into 2nd class and so on, so where you start being afraid of dying if you peel off i guess is free soloing, which could be still just hiking whatever gets you off i reckon, but i prefer long, easy free-solos - 2000+ feet of 5.4 is ideal
  11. ivan

    festivus in february

    national news headlines like "hiker dies in fall on mt hood"
  12. ivan

    festivus in february

    people wearing dog clothes
  13. ivan

    festivus in february

    dogs wearing people clothes
  14. can't say i got much further in the couple tries i took...
  15. ivan

    festivus in february

    people who say the exact same thing twice
  16. ivan

    festivus in february

    laff tracks
  17. ivan

    festivus in february

    asian chins
  18. ivan

    festivus in february

    roman noses
  19. ivan

    festivus in february

    veggie tales
  20. ivan

    festivus in february

    instant replay in baseball
  21. ivan

    festivus in february

    11 oz beers
  22. ivan

    festivus in february

    dupuytren's fucking contracture
  23. ivan

    festivus in february

    spinal fucking stenosis
  24. ivan

    festivus in february

    unladen swallows
  25. ivan

    festivus in february

    dogs licking their dry nutsacks all-night w/o end
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