just cleaning out the basement before moving out and noticed a perfectly good Bosch Bulldog 24v cordless rotohammer complete with 1 batt./chgr. and steel case. looking to get about $200 bucks or so. now you too can go bolting with reckless abandon!
extensive bouldering cave for sale. must see it to believe. includes 300+ holds, 5 gallon bucket of jibs, all framing and t-nutted 3/4 plywood. you disassmble. $600.00 o.b.o. inquiries email me at headspacer@hotmail
Climbing is a test of one's will. Testing your pro(falling on it!)is failure. Place pro like you know how and climb like you know how. All the technobable in the world won't help your onsight. Believe in what you say. Bring on the HEAT!
I'm compiling info for for a trip to the Vampire Spires in July of 2003. I have Climbing issue #187. Looking for websites and first hand knowledge of the area. Any and all help is appreciated.