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    sittin in the mud

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I would like to do chimney rock - east face, or mt. stuart - west ridge, over the weekend of july27,28. need partner for alpiine adventure. email clifcreek@hotmail.com
  2. I'm down with ya biff. when things dry out give me a email for plans. clifcreek@hotmail.com
  3. Psychos on the road suck. Oh yes i used to be a gun toting, baseball bat by the door type of guy, but then i realized my anger would change nothing. Now I now ride my bike everyehere, but don't yell at me cause when i catch you at the next light, and i will, I'll key your car when your talking on the phone, heh heh suckers .
  4. Ted kicks ass, who cares if he pisses some people off with his statements, eveyone should this honest. Anyways you can't be everyones best friend. Anyone shooting arrows on fire at a show is cool to me. Yeah i got you in a strangle hold baby.
  5. Start climbin when no rope goes out for a while then you feel as though your being pulled off the anchor. The tug scenario could be misinterpeted. Radios i can see as an advantage on long climbs, but mostly what i see them where they aren't necesary. The goofballs climbing at Erie a few weekends back using radios on a short crag is silly and annoying to me , but what do i know i like off widths also.
  6. If i understand correctly, there is gym on the north and south side of the locks. I have not been to either of them, but am curious to here why somebody would choose one over the other.
  7. Yes getting back at the climbing game after injury/accident can take a toll on you mentally. The important thing is getting back on the horse. Thinking about what got you interested in climbing in the first place will hopefully help overcome the obvious fears. Climbing for me has produced thoughts like " what the heck am i doing on the side of a wall ? I should be home drinking on the couch". The challenge, sense of accomplishment, the scenery, and exercise, that climbing gives me definatley overcomes the few questioning thoughts that occasionally flutter into my head. Glad to here your OK carolyn.
  8. Hopefully your using a dynamic rope for leading, and if so trying to make a belay more dynamic by jumping/ giving slack sounds pointless as that is the ropes job. Also that a falls happens so quickly, you should just focus on arresting the fall. Definately belay off your harness. On multi pitch if the leader falls with no pro between the anchor and the fall, make sure a runner is off the anchor to save the belayer from arresting the fall straight off their harness. With pro/runner off the anchor i have heard this being called "belaying off the anchor". Specialed is right about penalty slack for bad form.
  9. I like the peeing monkeys from vegetablebelay
  10. To equalize an anchor you can also use the rope in the same fashion as a web o let, as in Long's anchors book. This also commits the second to the next lead, very usefull if your gripped.
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