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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. Anyway, I recall that someone mentioned "beer" somewhere in this thread....


    Go for designer beer, and buy it at Costco. 15-packs are relatively cheap there and they often have specials on one brand or another. Almost as cheap as the pisswater swill that so many of us Americans know and love.


    [ 06-14-2002, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]

  2. Thanks for the info. The more the better!


    Another question...anyone have experience using twin ropes that are slightly different diameters? Like I said, mine is 8.1, but what if my partner's rope is 8.5 or 8.9? Does it make much difference?


    [ 06-14-2002, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]

  3. I have a couple of questions about the twin rope technique...(yes, I have done a search on this topic and have read the other threads). I'm still wondering...


    -Are 8.1 ropes big enough?


    -How well do twin ropes feed through an ATC (both belaying & rapping)?


    -Is rope management a major problem? Minor problem? Not a problem?

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by IceIceBaby:

    A second use for a frozen sushi will be target practice on your partner helmet when he seconding a pitch… "bombs a way"…
    [big Grin][big Grin][Eek!]

    I prefer to use recycled sushi (aka "lizard sausages") for that. Harder to aim though. But hey, practice makes perfect.

  5. On winter trips I like to take sushi. Mmmmmmm sushi - especially when your friends are eating power bar imitation lawn sausages for lunch. Only good in the winter, though. Doesn't keep long on hot summer trips - starts getting pretty ripe in your pack in just an hour or so.

  6. quote:

    Originally posted by mattp:

    I also have a problem with mice sometimes.

    Hell yes! You're supposed to leave the zippered bags unzipped a couple of inches for ventilation - but if you don't, the mice will just chew their way in anyway. First time I woke up with one of those little monsters in my hair, it scared the shit out of me. Now I'm used to having them run around in the bag. One move, a turn of the head, and they take off.


    Valuable information, I know.

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by jhamaker:

    2 black plastic garbage bags?

    Other light weight options are siltarps and ponchos (wich double as rain-gear), both best below treeline or where you can set it up.

    I've actually tried the plastic garbage bag thang. Condenses like hell.


    And I used to use ponchos when I started backpacking years ago. Not bad for rain, but lousy for wind, and I can't imagine using them climbing.

  8. quote:

    Originally posted by mikeadam:

    Blasphemer! Ol' Toothy is an enjoyable alpine climb shared by many as their first alpine summit. Everyone should climb the tooth and spray about it. If you really want to stay high in the mountains try the KGB route.

    I did the Tooth for my first time yesterday. I thought it was pretty easy and a lot of fun, though we did count at least 15 other people on it. Wasn't too crowded though, since everyones starting times were staggered and it is a quick climb. Good times.

  9. quote:

    Originally posted by Dave Schuldt:

    I heard from my housemate that the Park Pub is being remodled. I vote with Sara and let's stop the bullshit. Ballard Gril and Ale House on Leary Way.
    [big Drink][big Drink]

    Yeah, the owner sold the Park Pub and the new owner has applied for a liquor license and is doing some remodeling.


    And the Ballard Grill sounds good.

  10. I've done the Wonderland trail 4 times and have done the E - W trip across the Olympic NP once (though I was just 12 years old when I did the Olympic NP trip). Both are great trips. I did the Wonderland Trail trips before they had the registration & permit system in place though (just show up and go), so my advice is call MRNP and find out about this NOW - I don't know how long in advance you have to register & reserve camps, if it's days, months or years, but I do know that they limit the number of permits and/or reservations.


    In case you don't know how to use the internet to find these things out yourself, here's the official Wonderland Trail information page:



  11. Here's my answer: WHO GIVES A SHIT (rhetorical question - no response necessary). By the way - here's my definition of spray: stuff that noone gives a shit about.


    [ 04-28-2002, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]

  12. Did the classic luge-run/glissade down the south side of Adams a couple of years ago. Brought a piece of blue-foam cut to shape for the task. Got some good speed and some air time on the way down, but the one mishap was hitting a rock the size of a softball that was in the track and I cracked my tailbone. My posture was REAL good for about six week after that (especially when sitting).

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