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Posts posted by Jim

  1. Our records indicate that you are currently registered to receive solicitations in the following category and may be interested in bidding on:


    Title: Initiative 502 Consulting Services

    Description: Consulting Services to assist the Washington State Liquor Control Board with the implementation of Initiative 502 requirements.

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    Customer Reference Number: K430

    Close Date: Friday, February 15, 2013

    Posting Organization: Liquor Control Board


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  2. What a bunch of BS. How about a baseball bat, a chair, a good kick in the head, a fire extinguisher, your old softball trophy, whatever! A dozen people - really?


    How about teachers that want it, can have a bottle of mace in their desk drawer, pocket/purse, whatever?


    Sure. That ain't gonna kill anyone. My wife's a teacher and doesn't reach that level of paranoia. Though she worked in Montana doing field work for 5 years dodging grizzlies with no armament so I suspect she is fine.

  3. Given the psychological and social costs of certain low-frequency events, it does not seem irrational to allocate disproportionate resources to prevent them.


    --While the author means to point to school shootings, this seems to be the crux of the "home defense' argument of arming as well. And the one I'm always wondering about -what are all these gun owners so chickenshit about? The boogey man?


    A world without guns is one in which the most aggressive men can do more or less anything they want. It is a world in which a man with a knife can rape and murder a woman in the presence of a dozen witnesses, and none will find the courage to intervene.


    What a bunch of BS. How about a baseball bat, a chair, a good kick in the head, a fire extinguisher, your old softball trophy, whatever! A dozen people - really?

  4. Speaking of low cost borrowing:



    Consider, in particular, the alleged dangers of debt and deficits. Here in America, we are constantly warned that we must slash spending now now now or we’ll turn into Greece, Greece I tell you. But Greece, a country without a currency, doesn’t look much like the United States; surely Japan offers a more relevant model. And while doomsayers keep predicting a fiscal crisis in Japan, hyping each uptick in interest rates as a sign of the imminent apocalypse, it keeps not happening: Japan’s government can still borrow long term at a rate of less than 1 percent.



    Borrow Now!

  5. We have over 20,000 gun laws on the books, how many of those laws do criminals follow? Look at Mexico, draconian gun laws, super safe, hardly any gun murders down there.


    Any comparision with first world countries with funcitonal governments - Yes! We are by far the winners of the murder rate per captia. Great. We're tied with the likes of Columbia.

  6. Nope. The military did make us safer in WWII. After that, the jury's out.


    We need an offensive military to keep our economic empire afloat, plain and simple. If it was just about defense, we wouldn't have a military thats...let me see, larger than the next 14 nations combined, would we?


    No. No we wouldn't.



  7. The simple solution is to adjust AMT so anyone making any income above some amount, no matter the deductions and other loopholes they take, get assessed a flat (or progressive), minimum tax. Then you'd never have a guy making over a million paying, say 2% tax on total income.


    :tup: If we can hammer it out, why can't congress? :lmao:


    Exactly. Which is why this whole business about 39.6% being somehow some huge victory for "fairness" is BS.

    You're absolutely spot on. Until the tax code is revamped and loopholes are eliminated, it's all just smoke and mirrors. The working class will continue to be sodomized by the affluent. Dems are just Repub-lite. :)


    Isn't the simple solution to tax dividends/interest/appreciation over a modest amount (say $50k a year) as ordinary income?

  9. From a managment point of view, many workers want less work and more money. There is too much hype about dead end jobs. Everyone in the world can't make $100,000.00 a year, bread would be $20.00 a loaf. A true dead end job is the one you HATE to go to everyday.


    With the two-tier job category in place you'll start out at a whopping $28k a year. Hardly extravagant.

  10. The same thing - unnecessary war and stupid to have a tax cut.


    Just about every dem harped on the Bush tax cuts ONLY affecting the wealthy in any substantive way. Now everyone is saying, woah, hold on... let's rethink reverting them all back to Clinton levels.


    And you damn well know it.



    You asked what I was saying back then - and I told you.


    But - if your point is that Congress went along - yep, they are to blame as well - but more so the Repubs since they were in charge. In the 2001 cuts in the Senate vote 12 Dems crossed over. The 2003 cuts were more controversial since both wars had started. It was passed by reconciliation and the Senate vote was 50-51, with VP Darth Vader breaking the tie. Only 2 Dems crossed over for that vote.

  11. Oh, I will get dinged, but I'll manage. I just don't think "borrow and spend" is fiscally responsible. Just for the record here's what I said way back in mid 2011.



    But - it isn't going to solve the problem. The unfunded Medicare drug program (should repeal that dog) and two wars - plus the down economy has us digging a deeper hole. Let the Bushie era tax breaks expire, remove the limit on Social Security Tax ( I think it stops at about $102k), and yes, let all Bush tax cuts - including the middle class ones, expir
  12. No. That's not true. I've been consistent on the need to get read of ALL the Bushie tax cuts. They were irresponsible and have significantly contributed to our present position - that and running an unnecessary invasion of Iraq. AND the logic of running those wars as "off-budget" items. Brilliant.

  13. It was the Republicans that wanted the "fiscal cliff" set up as a result of their uncompromising position on the last go-around on the debt ceiling. And now they are doing the same thing - no compromise. It's not reassuring at all to the financial markets and an odd way of running a budget.


    As for democracy - the majority of Americans want a the tax break for $250k+ earners to expire. Just get on with it already.


    You should be jumping for joy - the cliff gives you Clinton-era tax rates for ALL! You know the era of massive growth and prosperity!


    I actually DO think all the Bush era tax cuts should be eliminated - above and below $250k. Do the $250k now and phase in the others late given the weak economy. It was irresponsible to cut taxes and go to war at the same time. And yea, cut the military 10% - that minor trim is way overdue.

  14. It was the Republicans that wanted the "fiscal cliff" set up as a result of their uncompromising position on the last go-around on the debt ceiling. And now they are doing the same thing - no compromise. It's not reassuring at all to the financial markets and an odd way of running a budget.


    As for democracy - the majority of Americans want a the tax break for $250k+ earners to expire. Just get on with it already.

  15. Well, there's a quite a few straw dogs in that narrative. No one is proposing ignition breathlizers - it's simple - there is a drunk driving law, you ignore it and there are consequences.


    Same thing with level of armament. Some levels of distruction are just too much for any reasonable person - a tank? Yea, the problem arises when Ted turns wacko or "forgets" to secure it and his crazy stepson decides to take it for a spin to chash in on some old middle-school trauma.


    We have reviewed the Bill of Rights before as society has progressed - so there's no reason to think it's set in concrete.


    There is a point about the flood of guns already out there. But I don't see it as a reason to do nothing for the future of our kids.

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