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Posts posted by specialed

  1. Au Contraire. "Varmint Killin and Swimmin in the River, 5.12 AI7 A5+" is the name of my new Extreme Alpine Testpiece. Its a high altitude testpiece, with runouts and rockfall hazards, scary bergschrunds and heinous rock quality. GU eating Experts only.

  2. So, If the dog starts humping you first, is it giving you implied consent to hump back?


    Similarly, if you have sex with two hot lesbian sisters are you participating and encouraging a incestuous act?


    Just wondering.

  3. hahaha.gif


    You just have to make sweet promises to the wolf that you'll make it part owner in the offshore Beastiality Pharm.


    You can actually buy wolf urine from wolf farms, apparently its pretty expensive though. But the idea is to use it prophalactically on the perimeter of your hunting camp.

  4. Everyone knows if you're going to clean new routes at Index you must sacrifice either a pig or goat, then haul the carcass half way up the wall as a signal to everyone that route "construction" is occuring.


    Fornication with beforementioned farm animal is optional.

  5. Great...any recomendations for larger elk type of critters that are attacking my garden, tomatoes, blue berries, raspberries, etc....


    Where the fuck do you live?


    You actually are within your legal rights to shoot a game animal if it is in the act of depredation.


    Out here we build fences and shit to keep the deer out though.

  6. Some El Quaeda snaffle, most likely a "vole," has been making insurgent attacks on my vegetables. Took out the parsley two days ago, and yesterday the anaheim peppers. Fucked up thing is, it only eats the stock, killing it, and leaves the bulk of the plant.


    Snaffle traps have been set. Its on bitch.

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