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Posts posted by K_Y_L_E

  1. Found a compass hanging around a rock at the summit of Red Mountain on Sunday. Figured someone would not want to hike back up to the top for a $5 compass. Hope they found their way home! If you lost it, gimme a shout.


  2. Although the robots were great I think that there needed to be more anti-Bush stuff.

    Not the pres. I mean the hippy chicks that for some reason refuse to tend to their gardens. I thought a few were wearing fur thongs. hellno3d.gif Lots of cool body paint jobs though. Wonder woman rocked. and so did the Cheetas and the incredibles. I just feel sorry for the little kids sitting on the sidewalk who had to see that as their first naked person. " Hey, why isnt mine blue with polka dots mommy?"

    I agree though, it was a little slow. But on the corner in front of Costa Opa was great, not only did you get to see lots of everything there, but the guy (volunteer) who was yelling at people to get out of the street was very entertaining. I was very excited to see the crazy colorful bandanna guy, he is my favorite at any seattle event. I was however VERY unhappy to see him naked. not cool crazy guy, not cool.


    Scarves, thats what those things are called ( i think) not bandannas...whatever they were he was not wearing enough of them. wink.gif

  3. Gross! that snake has a hippy on it.


    The North American Hippy is far more abundant and dangerous than the Cobra. A mongoose will not deter or kill a hippy. The only thing that can is a hair-cut, and bath, and a job.

    Please for Gods sake, be careful out there people. It is hippy season. You are warned.

  4. I have the OR advanced, and I like it alot. Works for my needs. On alpine trips I put my down bag in it and then stuff it into a compression sack (football sized when done). I leave the poles and net at home. When going on extended lightweight backpacking trips I do the same but throw the bug net and poles back in. Never had a problem with getting wet or sweaty.


    edit: I do agree with dru, the clamshell can be a little fidgity. Whatever you decide just make sure you try it out at the store with a bag. try to simulate things you may do in the bag like shedding layers or (obviously) getting completely in/out. (Yes, yes you sick little monkeys....many jokes could have ben inserted there.)

  5. IMHO

    Buying and/or selling a used helmet seems kind of odd to me. I would not trust a used helmet to protect, what I deem to be, a fairly valuable brain. Likewise I would not sell my used helmet to anyone. I would feel horrible if anything ever happened to that person while wearing the helmet, even if it was found to be 100% structurally sound. Helmets, rope, biners, harnesses and the like are life saving equipment. I would be as uncomfortable buying a used helmet as I would be if my climbing partner bought a 10 year old untested avy beacon. Pony-up, spend the dough, and know that you will not recoupe any of the money you put into it. The same way that your insurance company does not say "oh here, since you did not get a terminal illness this year, here is $200".

    just my opinion, hope you all figure it out.

  6. I think it is a great idea to take away resources that would actually help in preventing the loss of American lives. Lets face it, I am much more likely to be killed by a stray bullet that was meant for the interim President of Iraq than to hurt myself hiking in the Cascades. Keep up the good work Bush! smileysex5.gif

  7. Check out the 3m RainShield stuff. Waterproof and supposedly breathable. Not plastic but a paper-like fabric material. Weighs only ounces. My jacket with hood is 6-8 ounces. Downsides are neon yellow and it is squeeky (which could get annoying), also probably not super durable. Not sure I am ready to replace my hardshell with it just yet but I may give it a shot on my next trip. Take my softshell and that as a backup. I think it is the same stuff they make bio suits out of. Super cheap too. Mine was like $12 on sale.

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