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Posts posted by jblakley

  1. That's fine guys. What days work best for everyone?

    For the record: No I'm nowhere near doing a 5:30 pace marathon either. Actually finishing the marathon would be quite a goal presently.

    [This message has been edited by jblakley (edited 08-09-2001).]

  2. So it looks like so far it's Juneriver and myself meeting at a yet undetermined time to possibly start a weekly running group. Can I be any more vague? LOL Any other takers? Juneriver check your inbox.

  3. This is good stuff guys! It's good to see this site as a whole take a self-inventory. As a person I am not static in my thoughts or opinions and this thread has got me to thinking.

    I do not agree with everything that has been said but I like the atmosphere of honesty.

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by Dan Petersen:

    Useful communication does happen on this site.

    I would say 20% useful 80% entertainment. I still think this forum is useful as long as one does not take it too seriously. So the alternatives are no site and no useful information OR this site and some useful info. I'll take the latter.

    [This message has been edited by jblakley (edited 08-08-2001).]

  5. Perhaps we should start CCA..Cascade Climbers Anonymous.

    exerpt from meeting:

    "Hi I'm Bill and I'm a CCaholic. I have not logged in in over 30 days" <resounding applause>

    Seriously though, in the crowd I hang around and climb with if you don't have a thick skin you get your feelings hurt. It's easy to lose perspective and think that everyone should respond to jabs or whatever the same way. Well that's kind of arrogant and I'm certainly guilty of it.

    The guys I jab at on this site are the ones I see can give as well as get so I think I've been fairly restrained. If not whoever has been offended can send me a private e-mail with "Jim, you're an asshole" in the subject field.

  6. Mike

    I think the strategy here is to treat each 1/16th of a mile like it's the only one. Then you simply string them together and before you know it you've ran an entire marathon at a 5:30 pace. It's just that easy. Perhaps you've seen my half hour infommercial "Chicks really dig running geeks"

  7. Most of the time I have seen people struggling on cracks (myself included) they were not properly jamming their feet. Footwork in crack climbing is just as important as footwork in face climbing. A good foot jam in many instance can be sat on to relieve the arms for a rest. Or sometimes merely stemming out..even just one foot gives added stability.

  8. Wow 6 hours? It seems to me like it only takes about 30 mins or so but I have never timed it. Of course that's in daylight. Walking off is almost always quicker and safer than rapelling.

    [This message has been edited by jblakley (edited 08-07-2001).]

  9. Damn Mike,

    I would consider you a fast Mo Fo. So when you say 5.5 minute pace, up to how many miles? I'm thinking a group of a mixed pace going anywhere from 4 - 8 miles? Sound good? Then we can try and draft on Mikey.

  10. Just funnin a bit on that one. Different for everybody of course. Really just want to get people interested in group training since I think that really helps. It seems like when I run with someone closely matched with my pace we both end up running a little faster. That's the idea anyway. Even if a few people got together and it was a more relaxed pace that would be cool also.

  11. Anyone interested in going for after work training runs? Either road or trail. Looking to get a group together that is interested in training semi-seriously. I seem to improve most quickly when I have people push the pace. I live on the eastside so that would be preferable since I am not driving right now. Would love for some of you really fast Mo Fo's to show up and set the bar high for us slugs. :-)

  12. quote:

    Originally posted by Jman:

    10 if you did your math right... but I see what your smokin' so I won't point that out.

    Uh actually it would be 6660.

    Hey Jethro do some gozintas fer us

    <Beverly Hillbillies>


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