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Posts posted by ryland_moore

  1. Although it is regulation, it isn't in thesame respect. Since the law has no teeth, then no enforcement and therefore really just a paper exercise, wasting tax-payer dollars. Since we won't have to abide by it, it shouldn't affect us at all.


    Where it does have a problem is when the bill is revised 10 years from now once they find a pot of gold to manage it and then the regulation begins.



  2. jmo, I agree with Reid. Camp in the parking lot. 5,000' vertical, IMO, is a lot easier than hauling up gear, food, stove, tent, etc. to above the Palmer and climbing it the next day. Just do it in one day and start early. It will go by faster and you will enjoy it more. if you can't climb S. Side in one day, maybe you need to be in better shape?


    You won't acclimate in that time period, so why bother? it is only 2 hours or so more to get to the top of the Palmer added on to your summit day. Take skis or snowboard fordthe ride back down. No need to slog the whole way out!

  3. Seriously. The majority of us head up there on skis. You think they would actually catch us? Not a chance! Plus, they have no enforcement control. They can issue you tickets. They can't arrest you! And if you don't have your id or anything on you, then how can they write you a ticket? Good luck!

  4. If you leave your car behind in the parking lot and it's gone when you get back, do you report it as stolen?




    It is stolen. The climbers took something that did not belong to them. Just because someone left it behind, it is not implied that it is abandoned.


    They are thieves and should be treated no differently then the Exit 38 bandits or someone stealing your gear from your car.


    Kevbone is still a dumbass......

  5. fenderfour,I think it is o.k. to climb on them. The person placing the draws intends for the route to be worked and cannot expect to lock up a climb with their draws, so should expect others to use them.


    As for someone wanting to place their own draws, it would be a lot of work and i doubt that anyone would actually do this. But playing a long, I would think that as long as there was a way to keep the draws out of reach from a hiker, like hanging them all off the last bolt or anchor (if the anchor cannot be reached from the top) then you may not need to. However, if you are cleaning your draws anyway, it would not be that much more work to simply replace the original draws. If you left your draws up instead, then expect others to climb on them.

  6. If I walked up to a route i wanted to work and the draws were already in place, I'd be stoked that i didn't have to put them up myself or leave my own draws for the route. You get more pitvhes in this way as well if you climbed on other people's pre-placed draws.....

  7. Some of the Trd-itionalists are obviously out of touch with basic common sense/ethics with regards to sport climbing (may be an oxymoron). It is widely accepted and acceptable to leave draws on steep, weather protected climbs that an individual is workling. Most climbers when doing routes above.12s will leave draws up for a long time. Go to almost any sport-climbing area in the country and you will find this to be true. There are already bolts there, what more damage is one doing to the rock when leaving draws up there?


    The other point is that the people who stole these draws obviously are climbers. Most people, Raindawg, do ot rappel to hang draws but climb the route, placing draws from the ground up and then work the route with the draws in place. The fact that these werre climbers and not some meth heads who took the gear is even worse. I'd keep alookout for your draws when you are out there to see if other climbers have them. Bad karma all around. I saw a fight break out over this very issue at Foster Falls in TN. Lets just say the 19 year old punk who stole the draws off a .13d got the crap beat out of him and is rope taken......I guess what goes around, comes around.

  8. It depends. My gal will climb sport but you'd never catch her suffering through devil's club in the N. Cascades. That way she will go to Smith but I still have my freedoms of getting out with the guys and not feeling guilty and we get time apart. It is good to have some similar interests but not every interest, IMO.

  9. It will be a while before the high lakes melt out. It is primo steelhead fishing right now! We floated the Nestucca yesterday and landed two steelies on the fly, one wild and one hatchery....Then the spring flyfishing comes in on the major rivers like the Deschutes and Yakima. Then late summer is high lakes time....

  10. BH may be out, but every time I headed to OWG for Spring Break we always took a rest day at Lee Vining on Chouinard. The last time I was there, the upper half had fallen on BH the night before but Chouinard was still fast and plastic.....Just be careful on the approach and don't cut up to Chouinard until after your are out of the BH debris zone.....

  11. They wouldn't have to return the collar to me. I would have already gone back up there and removed my trash from the mountain.


    Bullshit. And you know it.


    No I don't. I was bc skiing all day Saturday. It would have been very easy for me to get back up there the last two weekends. It would be a slog up of about 3 hours and a quick ski back down. Well worth going after my gear that I had left up there.


    John and Marcus, once again, good on ya for sacrificing your bid on the infamous Spider to keep our mountains clean. Although, I am not so sure Layton didn't have something to do with detering y'all from your bid.

  12. Why would they leave gear on the mopuntain at all? They obviously walked off under their own power and had plenty of help with PMR. Why would they not go back up and retrieve it? What were they doing Saturday that would prevent a hike up there? Weather was stellar! Out of sight, out of mind, perhaps? I cannot spec ulate as to them being prepared, as that may not have been all of their gear they took up with them, but it is sad to treat a mountain environment with leaving such trash up there for someone else to find and haul off. I feel sorry for the kids of these teachers. The thing that concerns me even more is that some of these group members are teachers. Meaning, they have a responsibility, as everone should, to practice what they preach. Do you think they allow their students to just throwtrash on the ground when on a field trip or coming back from lunch? Leaving gear up there and not returning to get it is bad juju. Thanks guys for hauling it off yourselves. You will be rewarded, I am sure. Now you just sealed a nice weather window for you on Black Spider in the future......


    I'd say this is free booty and whatever gear is there is now yours. Keep it ort sell it on craigslist.

  13. Yes, but Winter, obviously he still doesn't get it. His post from NWHikers even more clearly shows that if he does not even know how to self-arrest, then why should he try something like Lib. Ridge? Maybe we should try the nice-guy approach, since the scolding is not working. He is a danger to himself, which does not nearly concern me as much as he will be a danger to others if he does attempt something like Lib. Ridge.....I say keep scolding him until he gets it through his thick head that he needs to learn more from proper instructors, whether that be a friend/mentor or a guide outfit.



  14. Jamin, just from your post of your hood climb, I know you have no experience. It seems like every time you post, there is something close to an epic with you. You fell below the steep step on a walk-up climb and it took your 30 ft. to arrest? You are lucky to have stopped the fall after that distance at all. If you cannot carry 40 lbs up one of the easiest hikes on the volcanoes, then how do you expect to carry more weight up a much more difficult and higher peak? You need more experience.....

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