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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Only the first one, after all the other lines count as having been scouted so they're only a flash. when i see "without gardening" i know its not in the pnw
  2. My ability to climb is a random quirk of evolution inherited from primate ancestors, and not something "the good Lord" has "blessed me with"
  3. Nope
  4. No
  5. No
  6. Where is the "Anywhere but Minnesota" option
  7. Post deleted by jon
  8. When will you learn, if it isn't on my list, it's not any good
  9. way to get out in shitty conditions
  10. a divot mood
  11. "beats out" is appropriate anyways
  12. Dru

    Belay Loop Issues

    I can't remember if it was in ANAM or a european publication, I just remember the scary picture.
  13. Dru

    No Coffee

    Coming out on your manboob habit
  14. Dru

    No Coffee

    what do they charge you for the extra shot of butter?
  15. Dru

    No Coffee

    ever since i drank that yerba mate i don't care
  16. was it named Audrey?
  17. Dru

    Belay Loop Issues

    snapped in half yup.
  18. And for men that aren't, no doubt you have a pill that will help.
  19. Dru

    Belay Loop Issues

    Yes, and you can look it up.
  20. OJ did it!
  21. Dru

    No Coffee

    Smoking coffee is a no no. Coffee drinking mouths taste good.
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