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Posts posted by scot'teryx

  1. lummox said:

    scot'teryx said:

    I worked in the vino industry for a few years......hence the snobbish appearance mad.gif

    well. that is one excuse. i had some dealings with http://www.koenigwinery.com/ and them brothers are chill. they support mountain bike races in idaho. buy their wine. use a corkscrew. or not.



    How was their Grappa?

    that shit will kick yo ass!

  2. lummox said:

    scot'teryx said:

    The wine industry would love to have everyone go to twist off screwcaps, but a collector will always sneer at such a thing.


    A first growth bordeaux vintner such as "margaux" or even a premier cru like "romanee conti" would never put a screw on cap on their precious wines, it just wouldn't fly.


    I can't even see Leonetti Cellars doing such a thing

    omfg you are a snob. moon.gifwazzup.gif


    I worked in the vino industry for a few years......hence the snobbish appearance mad.gif

  3. The wine industry would love to have everyone go to twist off screwcaps, but a collector will always sneer at such a thing.


    A first growth bordeaux vintner such as "margaux" or even a premier cru like "romanee conti" would never put a screw on cap on their precious wines, it just wouldn't fly.


    I can't even see Leonetti Cellars doing such a thing

  4. Jason_Martin said:

    I do not use a daisy chain here, in fact I don't use a daisy chain for anything but aid climbing. The reason I tie in with a clove hitch instead of some kind of sling type approach is because I want to be able to adjust my position. With a clove hitch instead of a daisy I can make myself closer or further from the anchor at any point without untying from the anchor. This may be important if you need to adjust yourself to see your second if he is a newbie or something. It simply gives you more flexibility.


    That's why I like to use the Metolius Easy Aider for sport. It's my first clip when I arrive at the belay, then I clove hitch the rope to the other anchor (If we are talking about 2 bolt anchors) this way I am backed up. It may be redundant, but I like to be redundant for safety reasons, always. And the easy aider is always the backup for the rope, not vice versa.

  5. Retrosaurus said:

    MisterE said:

    I wish you would quit crying out loud for a change, and just cry quietly to yourself. hahaha.gif


    Are you E-crying?


    Shut your trap Retro mad.gif

    Stay out of the newbies forum unless you have something constructive to say.


    Oh yeah, get a petzl reverso, you'll learn to love that beautiful device for bringing up a second and belaying up 2 at a time.


  6. Why do you think I got a website?

    I was tired of being flamed for "Granite Mountain Epics"



    But seriously, the majority of the posters on this board are very quick to ridicule anyone who is not the hardman/woman that they are. It's really stupid.


    Makes me wonder why such boards like mtncommunity.org or others have not gained more popularity. I think cc.com is totally addicting, I have idea why I post here. It's like getting your lunch money taken away at school everyday, but you keepo going back.


  7. I despise the snowmobilers that I have run into up until now.


    Last year they were disobeying the rangers on st helens and going all the way to the top where all the hikers were having lunch. So as soon as they topped out they were on the 10 foot wide crater rim almost riding over our feet. That was a time when I wish the cornice had given way and watched them fall into the lava dome.


    The other thing was that they did not have to pay for a permit, just the snow park pass was all they needed. Hitting the summit must have made them feel pretty good!


    I also dislike the Mtn Loop highway every year. I dont mind them on the road, even though the gas fumes just lurk around for hours making you sick to your stomach. But they drive up the Big 4 trail and other places that they are not supposed to.


    Then there's Baker, I love watching them ride the Railroad Grade half pipe. Did a snowmobiler topple over once on the top and get crushed?

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