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Posts posted by scot'teryx

  1. My first rando experience was on mt hood, and someone told me that I could use my koflachs in a an AT setup. The palmer snowfield was all rimed out, and I felt like I had never skied before when I put those boards on. I think my ass fell on that bulletproof cement at least 20 times on the way down. I can only imagine what a full pack was like. Been there done that on Adams, with a great slushfest on the way out.


    Oh yeah, congrats on your summit, that's freakin cool

  2. I had no idea this thread existed until now.

    Thanks for caring so much about my website guys, I really appreciate it.


    I am not a guide, and have never tried to be profiled as one.


    Our goal for our clients are different than your own personal goals. We are taking people into the wilderness to have fun.


    If there is a visiting climber from out of the area that wants to follow a 5.11 or harder route at Index, then I will find someone to do that for them.


    We have teamed up with another large and established guiding service that will take guide all of our more technical routes, and climbs that fall outside of our permit area.


    My guides will be guiding non technical routes, hikes, and scrambles. We are not allowing any guide that is not AMGA certified to guide technical routes.


    I would hope that anyone that has any questions would please contact me to clear any problems you have with me or my new company. I don't deserve to be ridiculed for trying to start a business that I enjoy.

  3. Dudes smoke pot

    In the Muir Hut

    Pig's in zen

    Pig's in zen

    Dude talks shit

    Cuz he is a dumbass

    Pig's in zen

    Pig's in zen


    You sure are creative, dumbass.........

  4. I am going to dig deeper and call the gifford pinchot folks and find out what the real deal is.


    I did not like the atmosphere in that parking lot and will not be back anytime soon.

    what's wrong with carharts and lots of coolers filled with Ham's? I actually did notice people carrying coolers aorund everywhere. Kids, old folk, everyone. Maybe it's a ritualistic thing they do as a culture worldwide?


    Do other countries or states have their own "Snowmobiler Culture"


    Have you guys ever seen them up on Pilchuck Road? They actually haul up firewood and Gas Grills to have "outings" on the sides of the road. "Good Times"

  5. Say you are climbing St. Helens. What is it, 11 mile round trip and 5300 feet elevation change both ways? The distance from the lower lot to the trailhead is another 150 yds. and 50 feet in elevation cry.gif.


    That's not the point.

    I dislike the point that the snowmobilers have prioroty over the hikers in the 1st place. Why should we be segregated?


    And the whole part about them being able to go around the circle in the P-Lot? They blocked off all of the turnarounds so that the only way out was the way you came, and that meant backing up. And they all did take up 2 spaces on average with their foldout living rooms and expandable satelitte dishes. Such a pathetic sports culture IMO.


    Would I accept a tow all the way to the summit by a snowmobiler? You answer that one

  6. There were about 12 skiers, and about 8 snowboarders that I saw yesterday. We also saw some beginner telemarkers that made a poor decision in making this their first backcountry trip (meaning the snow conditions were survival skiing at the bottom for us, can't imagine what it was like for them) But it looked like they were having some fun....


    Snowshoes would have worked, but that is a heavy pack to bring up. Either buy some alpine trekkers, or rent a set for $25 from cascade crags or marmot or whomever. Once you go AT, you never look back (also meaning you never use your snowshoes again)

  7. I am not sure what it was all about.

    I parked on the side near the cabin and some snowmobilers told me I had to move because they had friends coming with more snowmobiles. I told them I would not move because I purchased a snow park pass like evryone else. He said "suit yourself". Then a friend told me that he overheard that some snowmobilers vandalize skier cars if they park in the upper parking lot. Then a forest ranger came by and told me I had to move. I told him that I always parked there every year, and he said it has always been the rules.


    Isn't that upper lot the easiest access to the swift ski trail? Why would they make the skiers park further away than the people with the motorized vehicles?


    Now I am curious what my ticket would be if I had not moved?

    Ticket for parking in a lot that I paid a permit for?

  8. Climb: Mt St Helens-Worm Flows


    Date of Climb: 2/28/2004


    Trip Report:

    Left Everett @ 330am and arrived at TH @ 8am. Snowmobilers from hell all over the place. Skier are now not allowed to park in the upper lot, they have to park down below, even if you have a sno-park pass (which you can buy online now at the Gifford Pichot Website). Pea Soup conditions up to about 6K, and then the skies opened up. We moved slow since I was babysitting a couple of newbies to Randonee which slowed us down. Made it to 7K at 3pm (turnaround). Snow turned to crust with the high winds, but once we got down to around 6500 feet the snow was perfect, but then we ran into the pea soup again and had a difficult time maing it down to the trees. Back out to car at 430pm. Back at home @ 1030pm. I do not recommed the 9 hour drive in one day


    Gear Notes:

    Basic Backcountry


    Approach Notes:

    Snow from parking lot, roads plowed to TH

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