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Posts posted by EddieE

  1. Oh yeah, one other thing that's a good idea:

    If you go to Cameras West/Ritz Cameras they offer an in-house warrenty for a little extra that will replace your camera if you trash it. All you gotta do is bring the pieces back. I asked the sales person straight up if I dropped it off a climb, was it still under warranty. Without hesitating he said, "yes" - sold.

    Also I don't think it's worth the risk to buy anything grey market. You'll see unbelievable prices on cameras from the east coast, but they don't come with any warranty attached, and the quality control is suspect.

  2. I use an Olympus D-490 (and love it)...they don't make them anymore, but this year's models are good, albeit a bit larger - they did increase the size of the lens so getting the right exposure is easier. If you want pix that can be reprinted at any size larger than 4x6, I would recommend at least 2.1 megapixels. At that price point you should be able to get a camera that shoots short movies too.

  3. since this is a public forum, and i am considered a member of the public, it does concern me. i give a shit less about what you guys call yourselves but personal pissing matches should stay personal...otherwise don't be surprised if someone pipes up about it.

  4. jman-

    I pulled this off www.freeourforests.org

    "Furthermore, the NON does not even have the legal clout of a warning citation. Being caught not having a pass, getting a ticket, and then

    not paying the fine is considered an infraction - less than a misdemeanor. You cannot be jailed, you are entitled to a court hearing with a

    judge, and you can appeal the fine. Note, however, that if you choose to fight the citation in court before a judge, your infraction will be

    upgraded to a misdemeanor, and you may face up to 6 months in jail and/or a $5000 fine if you lose the court challenge. In the court cases

    that FOF is aware of, no person has been fined more than $75, including those who fought their citation in court and lost.

    In a court case involving an Adventure Pass violation - in which the charges were dismissed - a U.S. Magistrate stated that the program

    was "discretionary." The violator did not have an Adventure Pass, but he was not given a NON. Instead, he was cited with a parking ticket

    and a violation for disobeying a posted sign. (Read the transcript.)"

    I tried to see if this site was mentioned in the last thread, but may have missed it. Lot's of good stuff here.

    - eddie

  5. My favorite mental pics...

    - watching Mt. Stuart turn red in the light of a setting sun

    - turning the corner after the gap above Camp Muir and seeing the Northern Lights in the distance for the first time.

    - soaking my feet and watching my partner's dog play in the Icicle after a long, hot day of climbing.

    - the sheer size of Mt. Rainier every time I fly over it. I'm still impressed each time I see it from the air.

  6. Scott, you shouldn't have to shut-up and keep quiet about it - and that's the point. Every now and again one of those "big animals walking around the forest" will start something dumb like that, and offended people should say something. I think there are just as many moderates here who will continue to argue for being considerate as there are trash talkers - it's all checks and balances. Just as people are deterred by the crap, I think there are just as many people who are attracted to this site for it. You can derive a lot of good information here, and if something bugs you, let 'em know. Similarly, if you're going to spray and be a big animal walking in the woods, you're also the biggest trophy on someone's wall.

  7. MattP and Mark have good points, but at the same time the crap that flies around here is what gives this board its personality. If people simply want information exchange - go to the NPS websites, GORP or WTA...they do a great job. Just like any social circle people don't have a 'right' to be here. If you lurk long enough you'll know that if you open your big mouth, you'll eventually have the spray dogs coming after you...which isn't much different than the world outside of cyberspace. Some climbers are arrogant bastards, some are nice as all hell but I wouldn't have it any other way. BTW - trashing an entire company, climbing gym or not, for the behavior of one employee (and we don't know the whole story - she could've refused to give Cavey her phone number smile.gif ) is weak.

    [This message has been edited by EddieE (edited 08-09-2001).]

  8. In college we used to mix up huge spodis in our bathtub (if we were motivated, we'd even clean it). Bottles of booze, whole cut-up watermelons and whatever else we could think of. This might be an idea if:

    1) we could find a portable bathtub

    2) Spray-Lord doesn't piss in it

    3) dwayner agrees to not go skinny dipping in it

    [This message has been edited by EddieE (edited 08-07-2001).]

  9. Spent Friday night hunkered in with the masses at Camp Muir. 50 mph winds there - 90 mph winds through the gap. Helped hapless hiker build a wall for his REI dome tent that was gettting flattened. Figured summit was out of the question, but woke up at 5 am to calm winds and blue skies. Scrambled out of my tent, got to the top of the Cleaver had lunch, took a nap and met friends coming off the summit with RMI. Went home, slept, ate, watched TV.

    [This message has been edited by EddieE (edited 08-06-2001).]

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