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Posts posted by AllYouCanEat

  1. Too bad I was too beat from Sherman/baker to join you, but the idea of 4 hours of sleep in my car and another round didn't sound appealing. I'm glad Cyril was able to suck it up and I'm sure you got some awesome pics. I really wanted to hit that though. I guess I'll just have to wait until next year. Man, this weekend ruled...

  2. I'm jealous Ross/sky, but you know that, especially since we were only feet away the week before (at least we got to ski the otherside of degenhardt). Being a weekend warrior I usually find that I am on the failed trips and come a nice wednesday-thursday comes the successful push. Ha. Great work nonetheless. Heck, you had good snow and all. Here is a picture of the route from mount fury. I've added some names and heights. Since we were up on fury, I've had this line on the top of my list. The lack of traffic (who climbs the degenhardt glacier?) and the difficulty of the approach make this a quite the accomplishment. I wish I could've been there, but I sold my soul to work.



  3. Tele nut, there was a subaru and a red explorer. Both were part of our groups. What did you do up there?


    Meganerd, we climbed degenharht to within a few feet and skied back down to camp. Storms came in, so we hightailed out of there early.

  4. I just returned from a trip up there. Ha. It wouldn't be the snow I'd worry about but the schwackage up to it! The snow begins just below tree line. We found really rotton conditions while we were there, but given a week of freeze/thaw it should be good to go. As for obstacles, there's a few. As for me explaining how to get through them. Well? Follow the foot path as best you can, when you hit the creek (you can just see the peaks from here), go straight up with a slight right veer, and when you see the cliffs you will have to make your best guess to get through, but there are ways that don't entail climbing. We came down this way smile.gif . My only other advice, don't go to far right or too far left and bring gloves. If you see a coat, I'm sure one of our group will pay a bounty with brew. If you see a pair of glasses too. Ha. Have fun. I know I did...

  5. Nice pics. The west face of the north ridge is a nice and moderate ski (I've done what you did a few times)! Stormy Monday Couloir is quite a bit steeper than 30 to 35 though and is a rather involved ski descent with a 40-50 degree snow. There is rock section in the center also.

  6. Nice TR. This kind of stuff is much better than the usual reticent hardman chestbeating. thumbs_up.gif


    I like to see any TR's, even the chestbeating ones. Hell, I imagine I'm guilty of the occasional chestbeat here and there, even though I try not too. Lately a lot more TR's are being posted on CC.com and it's great to see a cross section of what people are getting out there and doing.


    Guilty of hijacking your tr twice. Sorry, good TR. bigdrink.gif

  7. Looks like a nice paddle.


    Yep, it is. This area is where I learned to boat...mostly on the suiattle. Downey creek is a nice kayak only if it isn't choked with wood. I would only go if you're interested in more walking than kayaking; more exploring and scenery.




    Photo by Benman


    The trail is only a couple of hundred feet beyond the bridge. I can't believe that bridge was washed out.

  8. The white Salmon would be a good alternative to get down from the north side, but is still a glacier, though not very technical. As for the ascent, Stormy offers a lot of rockfall, so if you do climb that then do it early in the morning. The Adams is a nice climb too, but again watch for debris. The road is open to the trailhead right now. Good luck. There are many routes you can ski, but for your first time consider the adams (if you climb it. There is a descent schrund right now you may have to rap) or the white salmon.

  9. Oh yea, there is a way. This river can fluxuate a lot but is definately something you could portage. There are many logs that cross the creek. I've kayaked this creek twice by carrying up and I know that there are logs that cross the river. Watch if you hike across it. You don't want to get swept down, but during the summer this creek shrinks drastically and wouldn't be bad to cross. Go for it. I posted a pic on another thread like this looking at the river in the past. Here it is again.




    Photo by Benman

  10. Ha. I did the same thing in another area this weekend. I felt like a champ. We were three seperate groups and they all followed the one who'd been there most. Oh, man - classic.


    Once, I ended up nearly spending the night the first time I went up the sulfide that way. It snowed 3ft on us. Man that fun...

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