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Rocky Butte...


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Does anyone have a general discription of Rocky Butte (difficulty, route length, etc...). My bud was just injured there and I wanted to know some general stats... Thanks for any info...


I read somewhere that "the

mountains reserve their choicest gifts for those who stand upon their summits".

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Rocky Butte is a local Portland area crag. The rock is quarried basalt, generally toproped, but theres plenty of leading of all types and grades. The biggest drawback is it's urban nature, with freeway noise, vandalism, and a dirty top that rains dust and garbage down on the routes. The rock itself is some of the best locally. The high number of beginners and non-climbers accounts for a large percentage of accidents and near-misses. There is an irritating tendency for people to bolt existing TR's, re-bolt routes that were chopped in the 80's, and trying to "develop" routes and anchors on the man made walls and structures (bolts placed into blocks the size of a shoebox that form a capstone on a retaining wall!!).

The castle on the top is fun to boulder on, and has been used by local groups to introduce new climbers to ropes and safety techniques.

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